CP Ridgeline


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Ridgeline Base

A 5cp map that I have been working on, what else is there to say?
Somewhere at the top of a mountain, two teams of clones fight each other to change the colour of the holograms on said mountain to their colour. Great.

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L1: Registered
Feb 25, 2014
I love the little steps moving up towards the point in the second screenshot. Though I do notice that the lower floor of the blue shack in the same picture seems a little dark. Regardless, I look forward to playing this on gameday!


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Thanks for the kind words guys, and thanks for the lighting criticism Kingdom, I have fixed it, it was at a 70 degree tilt for some reason..

Improved enviroment lighting
Fixed a bugged Areaportal
Narrowed 2nd to last upper connector
Lowered 2nd to mid entrance to 192 units high from 525
Fixed bugged lighting on mid
Changed / removed health pack locations
Fixed weird bug in the water that allowed players to see the void
Added signs
Fixed a window in the 2nd to mid connector not appearing
Playerclipped better to disallow pixelwalking
Fixed being able to see through the ground on second
Brought connecter from 2nd to last closer to spire
Added small detailing in random places


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
That was a really good test and review session. Here are the fruits of the feedback and my observations.

Made health packs locations less obscure.
Made pushing from the right much more easy.
Fixed Spawn times for Red.
Fixed right Blu spawn door not working.
Added more initial spawn points.
Changed up second to last connector.
Detailed a bit once again.
Added new health pack in house on mid.
Reworked the side of mid that was never used.
Adjusted mid point trigger to align with what the player sees.
Overhauled mid point area and removed unnecessary cover.
Fixed displacement at mid having only one side.


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
Glad ya kept the jump pad!

Though as I said in the gameday, you should make it a bit more obvious for new players. It might be worth putting a custom model for it so that nobody ends up missing it.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Removed ugly flank from 2nd to last that made it too easy to attack.
Moved Forward Spawns to where the old ugly flank used to be.
Fixed water scale.
Added lights to right flank on 2nd.
Attempted to fix respawn time problems.
Adjusted mid sepctator camera.
Made the rooms at mid a lot less wide.
Made the middle cap trigger circular.
Mirrored red and blu displacement heights.
Clipped building at right flank on second.
Moved spawn forward and detailed last.
Adjusted HP locatons
Replaced the lip on the jump pad.

I really want some peoples opinions on how to improve the map at the moment, since in the playtest it seemed good, but I can't be convinced. It's the first time I have ever reached the stage of a map being "good enough" that it doesn't have any massive and glaring faults to fix anymore, at least technically.
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You wanted feedback on pickups.....

Final Point
For final, I always like having more of a firefight and so there is a great risk-reward. You can either push and win or fall-back and suffer some deaths on the team. I would add an ammo pack near the rock.

Final-to-Second Connector
I move the ammo and health pack farther away from final (closer to the doorway at second).

Second looks fine. Maybe move the pickups inside the hut.

Second-to-Middle Connector
The left-most entrance (coming from original spawn) seems a bit wide. The pickups are fine.

I would put a small ammo pickup behind the wooden barriers.

Other Various Feedback
  • Since you're in alpha, don't texture or detail too much.
  • A lot of the stairs and ledges need playerclipping.
  • At final, you can see into the building.
  • There is a huge shadow at second.
  • Some places, the corners and geometry could be made neater.
  • I would reduce the number of medium health pickups and make them smalls. Maybe swap a few of the small ammo pickups for mediums.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Added caution strips around middle to show the capture zone.
Made midpoint transparent and detailed it little.
Narrowed connector of Mid to Second.
Pulled wall between the two areas on 2nd back.
Fixed Displacements at second.
More ferns :D
Added stairs at the right of the bottom of last.
Playerclipped stairs at last.
Fixed some overlays not showing.
Added lights.
Nobuilded ferns.

I didn't have much to go off of, so I just refined the map and fixed things that bugged me

I just have to ask (I haven't tested this yet); I don't see a way for any non-mobile class to cap mid. Or is the capture area all around the cylinder?
I fixed this for you in A5 :) Hope it's a little easier to read.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Woops, included a4 in the download instead of a5. Should be fixed now.


Sep 11, 2013
We played this today, I don't have a ton of feedback but I do have some points and I think if you watch the STV from the imp you'll see what I mean more in depth.

First, the jump pad was super annoying. I (and others) kept walking over it while battling to control the building between 2nd and last. Also, players walk right onto it when walking off of last, which is disorienting because you fall off something only to bounce right back up. Just kind of weird.

Instead of using a jump pad, try to solve problems with layout using geometry. I would try this, but idk if it's the best solution.

Put a door here with a bridge:


And link it up in here:


with maybe a platform or ledge to get on, with stairs going up so both teams can use it from any direction. It'd help break up this room and make it more interesting, and mean you aren't using a jump pad and annoying players.

This kind of stuff breaks splash damage:


You can read more about the splash damage issues here.



I'd strongly suggest removing that brushwork entirely though and making this whole area more interesting by moving the displacement up to make a hill. That will make the whole last area less flat, reduce irritating sight lines, make more vertical + interesting gameplay around the point, and you can adjust the height of the door leading into this area to make that room more interesting, also, because it needs it.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Thanks for the criticism yyl, it helped out a great lot in making this next version. Although i think i might need a quick playtest to see if the fixes are beneficial to gameplay.

The ferns have eyes (thanks WorMatty!).
Revamped last.
Added ammo packs to last.
Made spawn advantages on cap much less.
Random filler to make it look like i did something this update.
Added another exit directly to spire at the Second-to-last connector.
I had a shave.
Undone change done to jump pad that made players hurt themselves.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Fixed door from last to second.
Adjusted Spawn times.
Moved spawns to the back of last and detailed that a bit.
Added another shelter to the left of left.
Made glass more noticeable.
Adjusted most health packs and ammo packs.
Removed double health packs and double brushes.

I'll have to say, the spawn room is very WIP you're supposed to be on the edge of the mountain at each side, but obviously i have not the skills to portray that as of now.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Lain. Lain, Lain, Lain. Lain, Lain, go away, come again another day. Lainy McLain of Lainsville, Lainshire, Lainland, Lainia.

I haven't found Thrust Ridgeline as enjoyable to play, in its latest versions. The 1 area feels crowded with wooden buildings and platforms. I'm not sure if it was changed to better accommodate attackers or defenders but it seems a little too easy to defend. The space between 1 and 2 feels slightly too short. Most of the action seems to take place between 1 and 2, where the game seems to stall, often. I have not seen as much action around the central point, and the area surrounding 2.

The central point and its surrounding buildings and ramps do not feel like a fun place to play, in my experience/humble opinion. It's hard to recapture 2, as a defender, because the enemy seems to find it easy to occupy the area, and prevent us from pushing out. The building that makes up 2 point seems too easy for attackers to control, and the jump pad still just feels like a bit of a gimmick that could be replaced by a ramp.

Sorry if any of that is unclear or contradictory. I can't tell you what's right or wrong because I'm not an expert in stuff like this. I can only tell you how it makes me feel when I play it.



lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
I guess I just suck at making 5cp maps, might be time to move on.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Your map is in development. You just need to keep changing it until it works.