CP Woodmill Factory


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Hi, it's my second map posted on TF2 Maps. I create this map in January, but I stop like 2 months. And I restart the devellopment on April 8th. And sorry if it's totallity detailled.

Description of the map :
It's a CP Three stage, with texture and detals, desert environment, his name file is Woodmill for shorter and a 16 vs 16 round

Screen aren't update. Beta on June. Where can I find a windmill prop ? (for the name reference)

Alpha 7 release : WIP

Map devellopement stats : 0%

Bugs on Alpha 6 :

Add/change later :
- 3D Skybox
- More buildings
- More cubemaps
- More props

Thanxs to :
A Boojum Snark (his pack)

Inspiration :
Dustbowl (cp stage, regrouped stage, texture (outside) )
Cactus canyon (enviromnent light, sky)
Barnblitz (texture (inside) )
Name : Woodmill = windmill (okay...)

Older version :

a1 : http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=6118
a2 : http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=6119
a3 : http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=6122
a4 : http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=6124
a5 : http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=6135
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L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Alpha 1 released :

- Released alpha map

You can post your ideas !
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L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Alpha 2 released :

- Stage 1 :
- Duplicate the higher of the rock valley
- Make a 2nd exit on RED spawn
- Add an another ressuply on RED spawn
- Fixed the door angle

- Stage 2 :
- Fixed an areaportal on window of BLU spawn

- Stage 3 :
- Completly reworked the stage 3
- New decorations
- Make some rooms for more longer
- Add an another ressuply on RED spawn

- Add more cubemaps
- Added skip/hint texture
- Added spec cameras (on each stage later)
- Add more signs
- Fixed some missing func_respawnroomvisualizer
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Feb 7, 2008
Don't wall the map off with just skybox or just playerclip. Things like rockets and grenades will disappear when they hit the skybox, which means they won't act correctly. They will also go through playerclip, which poses the same issue. Your only fix is to add an actual wall or fence, because explosives will act correctly on those.

As for the layout, you've got a lot of long and cramped routes, with few or no alternatives. This causes an issue with class balance. Long lines of sight (known as sightlines) are very favorable to snipers, and cramped spaces are very favorable to close combat and explosives classes (soldier, pyro, etc). You want to make sure that your map lets every class play a part, because TF2 is designed to work best that way.

All of your capture points seem to be set to the default time. This isn't inherently a bad thing, but you should keep in mind that you can change how long it takes for a capture point to be captured.

You should also be cautious when using Dustbowl as an inspiration. While it's not a terrible map, it was also designed for TF2 more than seven years ago, meaning that it's not a great indicator for what kind of map is fun to play today.

Try not to limit yourself to one single plane that you put everything on. There's a single height level that you can trace throughout almost your entire map, and differences in height is a key way to make a map interesting and fun to play on. While having that singular height level isn't automatically a bad thing, it does start to limit how you can design your map.

Lastly, watch out for one-way doors. If there's no visual indicator from the entry side, people will probably be expecting to be able to re-enter the door. Also, most one-way doors are done in the same style as the round setup gates, rather than a rollup door. Using that style of door will help indicate where your one-way doors are.


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Don't wall the map off with just skybox or just playerclip. Things like rockets and grenades will disappear when they hit the skybox, which means they won't act correctly. They will also go through playerclip, which poses the same issue. Your only fix is to add an actual wall or fence, because explosives will act correctly on those.

As for the layout, you've got a lot of long and cramped routes, with few or no alternatives. This causes an issue with class balance. Long lines of sight (known as sightlines) are very favorable to snipers, and cramped spaces are very favorable to close combat and explosives classes (soldier, pyro, etc). You want to make sure that your map lets every class play a part, because TF2 is designed to work best that way.

All of your capture points seem to be set to the default time. This isn't inherently a bad thing, but you should keep in mind that you can change how long it takes for a capture point to be captured.

You should also be cautious when using Dustbowl as an inspiration. While it's not a terrible map, it was also designed for TF2 more than seven years ago, meaning that it's not a great indicator for what kind of map is fun to play today.

Try not to limit yourself to one single plane that you put everything on. There's a single height level that you can trace throughout almost your entire map, and differences in height is a key way to make a map interesting and fun to play on. While having that singular height level isn't automatically a bad thing, it does start to limit how you can design your map.

Lastly, watch out for one-way doors. If there's no visual indicator from the entry side, people will probably be expecting to be able to re-enter the door. Also, most one-way doors are done in the same style as the round setup gates, rather than a rollup door. Using that style of door will help indicate where your one-way doors are.

Okay... that big list are really usefull for me. I'll change faster then I can. (Maybe remove some 1-way doors)


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Alpha 3 released :

- Stage 1 :
- Added a new way to the B point
- More obstacle on the ruined house (B point)
- Changed a little bit the door frame

- Stage 2 :
- Added a new way to the B point (with water)
- Make the stage 10% more larger
- Fixed an spaced trigger respawn

- Stage 3 :
- Lenght the B point for more defense
- Added ammo,health pack
- Added a fence on the basement for more protection (outside)
- Fixed those robots doesn't appears

- Removed every 1-way doors
- Make the map more spaced
- Continue detailling the map (props, overlays)
- Try to reduce skybox and playerclips used for wall
- More cubemaps, areaportals
- Changed every time cap for every stages (Before : AB = 3 sec. After : A = 6 sec, B = 4 sec)


Dec 6, 2014
FLAAAAAAAAT. It's so FLAAAAAAAT. Some hight differences would do this map a lot of good.

As for CP B: never ever put a respawn room so freaking close to a capture point please thank you.


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
FLAAAAAAAAT. It's so FLAAAAAAAT. Some hight differences would do this map a lot of good.

As for CP B: never ever put a respawn room so freaking close to a capture point please thank you.

Gonna change on a5 okay... (and sorry if it's so flat :/)


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Alpha 4 released :

- Stage 1 :
- Removed some useless clips
- Remade those security fences
- Added a spot face to the sign (on A direction)

- Stage 2
- Make the stage 10% more larger (again !)

- Stage 3
- Reduce the higher of the death pit

- Removed the last 1-way door
- Make the map more spaced
- Continue reduce skybox, playerclips use for wall
- Completly retextured the map
- Fixed some clips


L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2014
I liked the textures a-lot. Very narrow tunnels though.
Why was there one tunnel using a plain black texture as the ground below? Didn't look very nice but isn't really a very big problem.
Capturing times are really fast especially in a very small map but that's balanced by red respawning faster (I think).

Maybe make a 3D skybox so that we don't see void surrounding the map. Also the layout was very confusing for me when I played it might want to work on that.


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
I liked the textures a-lot. Very narrow tunnels though.
Why was there one tunnel using a plain black texture as the ground below? Didn't look very nice but isn't really a very big problem.
Capturing times are really fast especially in a very small map but that's balanced by red respawning faster (I think).

Maybe make a 3D skybox so that we don't see void surrounding the map. Also the layout was very confusing for me when I played it might want to work on that.

Yeah i know :

This tunnel use a black tools on the death pit "ground" because no idea :/
Maybe I'll add arrows signs for help and make a screen of the entire map
Maybe I'll reduce BLU respawn, add a second spawn or ajusted time cap
3D skybox on beta or RC


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Alpha 5 released :

- Stage 1 :
- Rebuild the 2nd B route
- Moved some rocks (prop)

- Stage 2 :
- Reduce some textures out of the map
- Remade defense on B
- Added light on hole of the BLU spawn

- Stage 3 :
- Added a platform on B
- Added more metal door frame
- Fixed an nodraw texture

- Remade some texture
- Remade the rock valley out of the map
- Remade position of every spec cameras
- Add more signs
- Remade all B points for ATT/DEF (Test reduce/add spawn time for BLU/RED)
- Start add relief


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 19, 2014
Alpha 6 released :

- Changed some texture
- Continue add relief, props and roofs
- Make the sky more higher
- Moved ammo/health pack
- Reduce trigger touch for spawn doors
- Reduce trigger respawnroom for more space
- Added soundscapes
- Added new signs and overlays
- Added nobuild on crates (except on 2nd B point)
- Added detailled death pit