KotH Launchpad


L2: Junior Member
Feb 11, 2015
KoTH map for Team Fortress 2 set in a Spytech/Launchpad/Badlands area.
The two teams of Mercs are fighting over one rocket... Who will reach space first?

This map is heavily inspired by Half-Life's Questionable Ethics chapter.

Thanks to:
A Boojum Snark for his Gametype Library and Prefabs

koth_launchpad is my first publicly released map. Meaning, I have no experience for public playtests. I'd appreciate helpful advice to make my map a bit more appealing and balanced.
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L2: Junior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Updated to A2.
- Redesign Overhaul
- Added more Healthkits and Ammopacks
- Added Lighting + Props and Effects
- Added Flank Routes


L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2015
I like the idea, but it needs to be improved.

My critics (Alpha 2):
- The Wall and Ground Graphics are (except for the launch pad) just Placeholders
- The administrator doesn't say "Control Point enabled" when the control point unlocks
- I think, there are TOO MANY ammo and health kits in the lower part of the map.
- You could add one health and ammo pack position to each side in the upper part of the map.
- In the middle, the walls look like "cut off"
- In some spots, its too dark.
- The respawn room brush is not high enough, so Engineers can build Teleporters in spawn.
- You should expand the respawn room brush so that Engineers cant build their buildings in the doorway. Also, create nobuild brushes in the other doorways.
- You can look over the map by rocket- or stickyjumping on the roofs over the corner platforms in the middle of the map.
- I dont know if its intentional, but you can camp on the "ramps" in the room after the lower respawn room.
- Only the Red players can open the Red spawn doors, but Red players AND Blu players can go trough and vice versa.
- You can build Buildings in some positions in spawn.
- I dont know what this means, but if you play with bots, the console gets flooded with this entries (for BOTH teams):
01: Can't compute incursion distances from the Blue spawn room(s). Bots will perform poorly. This is caused by either a missing func_respawnroom, or missing info_player_teamspawn entities within the func_respawnroom.
02: Ignoring unreasonable position (1071.651489,811.640564,-16388.650391) from vphysics! (entity tf_ammo_pack)
03: DataTable warning: (class info_player_teamspawn): Out-of-range value (-1.000000 / -1.000000) in SendPropFloat 'm_vecNormal', clamping.

I discovered those on a local server with bots.

I also dont like that the two doors to the middle cant be open at the same time.
I dont want to be offensive, but did you play the map yourself in TF2 or did you just made it in Hammer?
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Sep 5, 2014
My critics:
- The Wall and Ground Graphics are (except for the launch pad) just Placeholders
- The administrator doesn't say "Control Point enabled" when the control point unlocks
These aren't really an issue when a map's in alpha stage.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 11, 2015
I like the idea, but it needs to be improved.

My critics (Alpha 2):
- The Wall and Ground Graphics are (except for the launch pad) just Placeholders
- The administrator doesn't say "Control Point enabled" when the control point unlocks
- I think, there are TOO MANY ammo and health kits in the lower part of the map.
- You could add one health and ammo pack position to each side in the upper part of the map.
- In the middle, the walls look like "cut off"
- In some spots, its too dark.
- The respawn room brush is not high enough, so Engineers can build Teleporters in spawn.
- You should expand the respawn room brush so that Engineers cant build their buildings in the doorway. Also, create nobuild brushes in the other doorways.
- You can look over the map by rocket- or stickyjumping on the roofs over the corner platforms in the middle of the map.
- I dont know if its intentional, but you can camp on the "ramps" in the room after the lower respawn room.
- Only the Red players can open the Red spawn doors, but Red players AND Blu players can go trough and vice versa.
- I dont know what this means, but if you play with bots, the console gets flooded with this entries (for BOTH teams):
01: Can't compute incursion distances from the Blue spawn room(s). Bots will perform poorly. This is caused by either a missing func_respawnroom, or missing info_player_teamspawn entities within the func_respawnroom.
02: Ignoring unreasonable position (1071.651489,811.640564,-16388.650391) from vphysics! (entity tf_ammo_pack)
03: DataTable warning: (class info_player_teamspawn): Out-of-range value (-1.000000 / -1.000000) in SendPropFloat 'm_vecNormal', clamping.

I discovered those on a local server with bots.

I also dont like that the two doors to the middle cant be open at the same time.
I dont want to be offensive, but did you play the map yourself in TF2 or did you just made it in Hammer?

#1 - I'm looking forward to rebuild the map once more but make it a bit more spacious.
#2 - I did actually play this without bots thinking that bots wouldn't provide useful information. Thanks for the feedback anyway!


L2: Junior Member
Feb 11, 2015
BTS Update!

Mid has never been this spacious... Everyone loved the open mid since its
Egan said:
Spam Eater Stuff
. Added few covers at the sides. Looking a bit similar to lakeside.

Still WIP


L2: Junior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Launcpad A4 Dev Post

Yep! Built from scratch once more. Had several problems with A3. This one looks familiar with an official map. Try to guess.