PL Escarpment

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L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2012
I run this on a server in Australia and players generally like it but many have FPS issues around CP1 and CP2. On my own rig which happily runs at 66 fps (capped) for most maps, it drops down to 10-20 fps in the open area around CP1.

Is there any hope of some optimisation of this area?


Jul 31, 2009
I wasn't really planning to release a new version, but it could probably be possible to optimise that area a bit better. Maybe.

We'll see.

Jun 17, 2010
I think you really should optimize that area more that he said and a bit of the map here and there. This looks good enough and plays good to be on a lot of servers but for example, our community servers dropped this map for low framerate reasons and it hasn't been in servers since 27-Apr-2012. I'm currently running weekly changes on our payload server and can test future release easily.


L1: Registered
Apr 14, 2010
I would heighten the wall or seal off completely the little engie spot near the first cap point.

Just a tweak to give a bit of leverage for defensive engineer building. As it is, the spot is completely vulnerable to any demo launching stickies, and what could be a great defensive point that could be held a little longer is nearly immediately destroyed with just one demo.

As it is, the spot is too vulnerable unless you build right up against the wall...

Just a thought, We love this map and play it a lot on TN servers.

Oct 6, 2008
I have no intention of ever releasing a new version of this map, sorry.

So what is the last version you have made - we're doing a map test at the end of the month for a 32 player server. I think we have played the most recent one in the past but i'd like to make sure - if we haven't played the most recent version, we'd love to give yours a spin since the other was good :)

Edit: Never mind - for some reason my mouse didin't click map factory - thought I was there - I'm on a laptop with no mouse < and that's what she said hahahahaha