No visible sides on brush


L1: Registered
Jul 12, 2014
Well i got this error shown in the title. I tried to find the brush via "Got to brush number". And what did it instead. It teleports me everytime to the middle of the map and shows me nothing.

** Executing...
** Command: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.vmf"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Dec  7 2014)
8 threads
materialPath: F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\materials
Loading F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.vmf
Brush 4910: no visible sides on brush
Brush 4910: no visible sides on brush
Brush 4910: no visible sides on brush
Brush 4932: no visible sides on brush
Brush 4932: no visible sides on brush
Brush 4932: no visible sides on brush
Patching WVT material: maps/cp_dev_a1/dev/dev_blendmeasure_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
Chop Details...done (0)
Find Visible Detail Sides...done (0)
Merging details...done (0)
done (0)
writing F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
*** Error: Skybox vtf files for skybox/sky_tf2_04 weren't compiled with the same size texture and/or same flags!
Can't load skybox file skybox/sky_tf2_04 to build the default cubemap!
*** Error: Skybox vtf files for skybox/sky_tf2_04 weren't compiled with the same size texture and/or same flags!
Can't load skybox file skybox/sky_tf2_04 to build the default cubemap!
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (66334 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 119 texinfos to 68
Reduced 8 texdatas to 7 (219 bytes to 198)
Writing F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" -fast "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Dec  7 2014)
fastvis = true
8 threads
reading f:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.bsp
reading f:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.prt
 282 portalclusters
 781 numportals
BasePortalVis:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Optimized: 1077 visible clusters (1.60%)
Total clusters visible: 67157
Average clusters visible: 238
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 281
visdatasize:22242  compressed from 22560
writing f:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters:  -game "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" -noextra "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Dec  7 2014)

      Valve Radiosity Simulator     
8 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[37 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading f:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.bsp
Setting up ray-trace acceleration structure... Done (0.05 seconds)
1272 faces
929693 square feet [133875824.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
1272 patches before subdivision
63548 patches after subdivision
0 direct lights
BuildFacelights:     0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
BuildVisLeafs:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (7)
transfers 6540563, max 561
transfer lists:  49.9 megs
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #1 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0203 sec>
FinalLightFace:      0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (2)
FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ThreadComputeLeafAmbient: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (3)
Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names       Objects/Maxobjs  Memory / Maxmem  Fullness 
------------       ---------------  ---------------  -------- 
models                   8/1024          384/49152    ( 0.8%) 
brushes                189/8192         2268/98304    ( 2.3%) 
brushsides            1186/65536        9488/524288   ( 1.8%) 
planes                 428/65536        8560/1310720  ( 0.7%) 
vertexes              1924/65536       23088/786432   ( 2.9%) 
nodes                  704/65536       22528/2097152  ( 1.1%) 
texinfos                68/12288        4896/884736   ( 0.6%) 
texdata                  7/2048          224/65536    ( 0.3%) 
dispinfos                0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_verts               0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_tris                0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_lmsamples           0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
faces                 1272/65536       71232/3670016  ( 1.9%) 
hdr faces                0/65536           0/3670016  ( 0.0%) 
origfaces              551/65536       30856/3670016  ( 0.8%) 
leaves                 713/65536       22816/2097152  ( 1.1%) 
leaffaces             1540/65536        3080/131072   ( 2.3%) 
leafbrushes            463/65536         926/131072   ( 0.7%) 
areas                    2/256            16/2048     ( 0.8%) 
surfedges             8207/512000      32828/2048000  ( 1.6%) 
edges                 4559/256000      18236/1024000  ( 1.8%) 
LDR worldlights          0/8192            0/720896   ( 0.0%) 
HDR worldlights          0/8192            0/720896   ( 0.0%) 
leafwaterdata            0/32768           0/393216   ( 0.0%) 
waterstrips            135/32768        1350/327680   ( 0.4%) 
waterverts               0/65536           0/786432   ( 0.0%) 
waterindices          1866/65536        3732/131072   ( 2.8%) 
cubemapsamples           0/1024            0/16384    ( 0.0%) 
overlays                 0/512             0/180224   ( 0.0%) 
LDR lightdata         [variable]     1304272/0        ( 0.0%) 
HDR lightdata         [variable]           0/0        ( 0.0%) 
visdata               [variable]       22242/16777216 ( 0.1%) 
entdata               [variable]       11412/393216   ( 2.9%) 
LDR ambient table      713/65536        2852/262144   ( 1.1%) 
HDR ambient table      713/65536        2852/262144   ( 1.1%) 
LDR leaf ambient       324/65536        9072/1835008  ( 0.5%) 
HDR leaf ambient       713/65536       19964/1835008  ( 1.1%) 
occluders                0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder polygons        0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder vert ind        0/0               0/0        ( 0.0%) 
detail props          [variable]           1/12       ( 8.3%) 
static props          [variable]           1/12       ( 8.3%) 
pakfile               [variable]         389/0        ( 0.0%) 
physics               [variable]       66334/4194304  ( 1.6%) 
physics terrain       [variable]           2/1048576  ( 0.0%) 

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 3472
Writing f:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.bsp
13 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.bsp" "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\cp_dev_a1.bsp" (It's a remake of cp_orange because i always hated that open map. It's doesnt look that different right now but i cant test it with this stupid error)

The hammer problem solver shows me nothing and i cant find anything what could cause this. Also didnt helped me because it only said, "use: go to brush number". Changing Vis or Rad did also nothing.
Last edited:
As the first result on google I am posting my findings

I discovered this error that was a brush that had been inverted (probably due to vertex editing) and the normals were all facing inwards.
Initially the ID wasn't able to be found - it was in an instance, so check there as well.

Jun 17, 2010
Could the brush be a displacement on which the side that gives that error, isn't displaced but deleted? To fix it, destroy displacement and recreate it. Destroy unused faces, if you cannot do that before destroying. I've had similiar error with a texture that didn't exist.


L1: Registered
Jul 12, 2014
Well. I open up hammer and compiled and the error was gone. But it leaked. Tried to load the pointfile but there was none. Compiled again and the leak error was gone. Sometimes hammer likes to troll ..

Thanks anyway ^^


Jul 31, 2009
As the first result on google I am posting my findings

I discovered this error that was a brush that had been inverted (probably due to vertex editing) and the normals were all facing inwards.
Initially the ID wasn't able to be found - it was in an instance, so check there as well.