Hammer 3D view glitch


L1: Registered
Dec 20, 2014
I wanted to try making (and finishing) a map recently after coming up with an idea, and was presented with an odd bug that based off of google, has occurred for other people.
The 3d view is zoomed in at a skewed angle, and upon moving my mouse over other views or flying around my map it unzooms and seems normal.

I'd made a bit of a test jump map to get the feel of hammer closer to the start of the year and this had never happened. It's too hard to see what I'm doing and there were no answers that I could find when I searched for them..

Thanks in advance :thumbup:


Jul 31, 2009
Last time I heard this happen the person had some sort of external game booster (I think it was razer game booster) enabled and it was screwing with hammer.


eternally tired
Nov 5, 2014
Yeah Razer's dependencies fuck up Hammer (and Source Filmmaker apparently) - I think a process called RzFPS.exe in particular causes these issues, killing it on my system tends to fix the issue. This issue will pretty much always be present if you have a device with a Razer Switchblade (Razer Blade laptop, Deathstalker Ultimate keyboard) unless you kill this process.