
PL Farmstead rc4

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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Quick feedback of some issues:

Something is wrong with your HDR/cubemaps:


You have some z-fighting that is super distracting. (you can see it flickering when passing through the first turn after leaving BLU spawn)

Not shown:

-z-fighting on various other windows
-certain props in BLU's first spawn are too dark
-some other textures were super bright and blinding

I just ran through the current version and didn't get those issues. I got some issues, but nothing anywhere near this. Can some people confirm it?


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Hmm, odd. I even loaded up a ton of other maps just to make sure it wasn't a problem with me and well, every map in the game seems to work--except this one.


Jul 31, 2009
Can't say I'm terribly surprised. I certainly seem to have a knack of invoking the most random and obscure and unfixable source problems.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
If it makes you feel any better, the detail is awesome. A+ work right there, even if BLU spawn's floor causes temporary blindness. :)

Edit: I will try again tomorrow with a fresh download and see if maybe that helps. I don't run any mods and the following maps are perfectly fine:


as well as
-cp_gorge_event (my map)
-cp_keikoku_rc1 (your map)

I have no problems running any map in the game and there are no graphical bugs. But I load up inari again and every glass texture and some of the ground textures are super bright. I'm beginning to think that something went wrong with the download, possibly...
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Jul 31, 2009
Frozen downloaded from the thread as well and isn't reporting those things. It's the exact same copy as I have as well.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Frozen downloaded from the thread as well and isn't reporting those things. It's the exact same copy as I have as well.

Yes but it is entirely possible that somehow my download got corrupted. It has happened before with other things, I just have never seen it happen with a source map before. I will try tomorrow when I have access to my gaming computer again.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Sorry to keep posting here.

I deleted everything having to do with pl_inari_b1 on my computer. I redownloaded the map, and ran it. I was expecting it to be fixed, but nothing is ever that easy, right?

Here are the problems I am getting:
-Every glass/chrome/spytech floor texture is super bright
-Every prop seems to be lacking reflections (lack of cubemaps)
-Z-fighting on almost every window prop with the glass texture underneath
-Very strange LOD transitions which cause the prop to flicker between LODs
-Very strange flickering on pretty much every prop in RED's main spawn
-Strange shadow and reflection flickering on a lot of the tire/wheel props around the map
-UFO explosion and particles are nowhere near the actual UFO
-There was no raygun actually shooting at the UFO (But I think this may be because you haven't added it yet)


Its almost like this map has reflections but forgot how to use them. I can't quite explain what I mean but sometimes it seems like things have reflections and other times it looks like there are no cubemaps in the map at all. The flickering is also killing my fps in some spots. (20 fps minimum when I average 250)

And I swear this is not a problem with any other map! All of the stock maps work, all of my maps work, all of the custom maps work! Its just this one map that is having all these weird graphical errors.

I really hope we can figure out what is going on here; whether it is a problem with me or the download, or the map itself. Good luck, take care, and don't get too worked up--I'm sure there is an explanation. :)
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Aug 14, 2009
Here are the problems I am getting:
-Every glass/chrome/spytech floor texture is super bright

I don't know about all those other problems, but I've had this exact same problem with a map I've recently compiled.

If I compile with LDR + HDR, then build cubemaps, it does this. I run a cfg to generate cubemaps. For reference, it's this (nothing unexpected, this is pretty standard):

sv_cheats 1
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_specular 0
mat_specular 1
mat_hdr_level 2

If I do NOT compile with HDR, the super shininess doesn't happen when building cubemaps.

If I compile WITH HDR, but do not build cubemaps, then obviously there's no shininess.

So it's definitely related to compiling with HDR and cubemaps. Why that is, I don't know yet -- maybe HDR bloom is set badly or something.


Jul 31, 2009
The problem I'm having is that it's crashing whenever I compile HDR cubemaps. Frozen and I managed to fix the problem by deleting everything in the packlump before building them - it still crashes, but it puts them into the BSP.

The thing is, I can't seem to replicate your experience at all puxorb. They look perfectly fine on my end no matter what I do. The same with all this flickering (LOD transitions you can do nothing about). The windows cannot be fixed, 1 unit glass is thicker than the model of the inside. It's meant to be used with the modelled glass, but that's not applicable in my situation. When the cubemaps aren't super shiny, you don't notice it.

I don't seem to see any of it otherwise. It'd be really useful if someone else can help out here...
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Jul 31, 2009
Okay I fixed the problem.

HDR cubemaps were building, but not being packed into the bsp. Because they existed in my material folder (and frozens, because he tried to build them for me too) it looked fine for us.

All I did was simply manually pack them, and puxorb seems to report it looks fine. I've uploaded it over the top of the existing version, so if anyone reading this had already downloaded it, please do so again and overwrite the old one. I'll release b2 soon with some fixes so it shouldn't matter much but there we go.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
BLU is able to open the doors to RED's final spawn before they get moved there. It could be problematic if spies get back there and hold them open.



The sun shines down here before this area opens up. It looks silly.


This area desperately needs to be smoothed. I can get caught on practically everything here.


That's pretty much it so far.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Can you get below there before they open? I genuinely don't know.

Yep, from both Point C and RED's second spawn.

Also, I know you can't really do much about the light thing, but why not just add some extra lighting fixtures down there to make it look like it's just artificial light?
Apr 14, 2013
I like this map. The theme is great IMO, and the layout is good as well. Earlier versions which I played where really fun.
But a few days ago, I played the final version for the first time (on the server). On that time, I was left with a real bitter taste. Almost as bitter as the taste from rd_asteroid. For me, the map was really not fun anymore. I will try to explain the reasons I think caused me to feel that way, hoping it'll help you.
First there's the BLU enterance.

When you exit from BLU spawn's leftmost exit, behind the Granary conveiour, there's a huge pile of stuff (mainly concrete baricade and tractor tire) that seems Like it's going to protect you. Yet, you're completely vounerable from snipers shooting above the tire. Generally, the map is sniper friendly, which is fine (kind of) (if you're good at sniper) (which I'm not), but IMO that's where the line between 'fine' and 'too much', passes. Tou must add more cover.
The main problem is with the defenders. I hated playing as the defender.
The reason is that half the team is not playing. You can't play when half the team isn't. It isn't fun, and not statisfying. It also throws off the balance.
So what on earth could the red team be doing?
  • Tele-trapping
  • Tele-trolling
  • Attempting to get out of the map
  • Succeeding at getting out of the map
  • Taunting over at people who succeed at getting out of the map
  • Getting killed on purpose by the laser
  • Trying to get killed on purpose by the laser
  • Healing people who are trying to get killed on purpose by the laser
  • Generally trolling
  • Abusing bad playerclipping
first, Properly clip all bad spots. It will not be tolerated to have people trapping others with teleporters. Nor would people generally getting out of the map be tolerated. Then, I must say the laser of doom must be concealed. It makes no sense that such dangerous machinery could be reached to in the first place. Some scientist could get his hand cut off! And obviously it apears to be too much of a distraction, so it makes people play "get killed by the laser" instead of playing "tf2". Basically, you have done a great job, the problem is that it makes people stop playing the game.
Hope it helps.