CP arena_new


L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2014
My first map for this game.It has 5 control points. There was a strong wish that you used the map on your server.Also present nav file.

Of all the bugs tell me
Now open the server for the test map


Feb 14, 2010
Hey so we played cp_arena_new_beta2 in the impromptu today, here is the feedback and associated demo.

Your map was a little bit boring to be honest. Both teams clashed a lot at mid, and progress to second was stopped as we were forced to slowly walk back towards mid from our original spawns after we died, with seemingly no advantages as we moved in closer to their last point. The sides of the map seemed to have little differentiation apart from the small spiral staircases encased in darkness (hard to see them), you may want to make each side's geometry more varied to make gameplay a bit more fun in the long-term.