Various Orphaned Stages [OPEN][ALPHA]

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
A dump of a bunch of orphaned stages that I made a long time ago and have no plans on ever touching again.

Here's what's included, and what you need to know should you adopt one:



Includes a2 (the last released version) and a3 (which is an almost finished second stage that I have never tested and may or may not be awful)

Known Issues:
  • I vaguely remember something being wrong with the spawn gates, replace them with ABS prefabs
  • 1-A is pretty bad
  • Very sticky jumper friendly



I have a billion versions of this and I don't remember why, so I included a7, a8, and a9. This stage was a pretty solid start as far as I recall.

Known Issues:
  • There may be technical problems, I don't remember. Check all entities.
  • The tunnel route was too long to be useful
  • When I opened a9 there were 3 invalid solids, and I don't know where they were or if they were important, so check that out.
  • I'm fairly certain my brushwork was beyond awful on this one, so buckle up

ye olde cp_ferrum*
*If you adopt this you must change the name, since I used the same name for a different map.


The old, multi-stage 2CP version of Ferrum. Was decently fun as far as I remember. Includes a3 (the last released version), and a4, which also includes a really shit-looking chunk of a second stage that I have no memory of building.

Known Issues:
  • B was pretty bad and needs a redesign
  • Instances are included, but you'll need to redo the file paths. The instance names are self-explanatory
  • Spawncamping at A was a big issue in the later tests.



A single stage from a multi-stage payload map. Played pretty well. You can either expand it and make it single-stage or add more stages, I don't care. Includes a6, which is the last working version. Uses construction pack assets, so you'll need to have that installed.

Known Issues:
  • A door towards the end clips through some geometry visibly
  • Layout could be streamlined

These are all open projects. Download the pack, make them better, redesign them, incorporate bits into other maps, I don't care. Just credit me if you use them. I'm dumping a few barrels of sludge I've had sitting around into the river and hoping they lead to some kind of mutant superfish somewhere down the line.
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Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
So is Highrise meant to be the final stage of a three-stage map? I could have sworn I remembered there being more to it than that.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
According to the original thread for Highrise, there was also a stage one that you had completed. Do you still have that file?


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 25, 2013
I'm interested in trying my hand at Highrise. If I have the time I'll see what I can do.

Edit: Whoa, that is one crazy layout. I think you've got so many routes as to make things confusing for players. Also, I see many, many very narrow corridors that players are forced to walk through, which seems like it would make moving around quite awkward and difficult, particularly when playing as Scout. I understand that people really enjoyed this map, so I think I'm going to have give players some more breathing room and streamline things while still retaining the spirit of the original. I don't know if I'm up to this, it seems like a very difficult thing to do. I'm having second thoughts already, but I still want to try to realize this map's potential.
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Feb 2, 2014
I'll try my hand at highrise, might be able to make sometime out of it.

EDIT: BestUsername if you're interested, would you like to try and do a partner map?
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L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 25, 2013
I've never done a collab before, but yeah, I'd be totally interested in working together. Just so you know, though, I don't actually have any detailing experience as of yet, so if we do this I think I would have to be the one to clean up the layout. If you want to see what I can do, check out this level:


Feb 2, 2014
Alright then, that gives us both the skill sets. I'm very good at detailing, and love to do it, you clean up the level, I can work around with the smaller things.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 25, 2013
That worked out perfectly. I'll get started straight away.

Are you thinking of a construction/industrial theme for this one?

Edit: As I mentioned previously, the bizarre, cramped, mazelike nature of this map is leaving me confused as to how to improve it. What makes the map in its current state so good, despite the flaws? If I widen a hallway to make it easier for players to move around, will I have ruined the flow of the orginal? If I close off an out of place looking hole in the floor, or if I block off a route to streamline things and keep players from getting confused, did I just wreck the balance of the map? I really don't know.

Also, I noticed that there are some Red buildings and props right next to the Blu spawn. That seems to be what Sruman intended, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Although there are a few quick fixes I can make to improve the map slightly, this map very definitely needs a lot of reworking, and I'm just not sure how to go about it. Hopefully Sruman himself will be able to assist me with this.
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Feb 2, 2014
That worked out perfectly. I'll get started straight away.

Are you thinking of a construction/industrial theme for this one?

Edit: As I mentioned previously, the bizarre, cramped, mazelike nature of this map is leaving me confused as to how to improve it. What makes the map in its current state so good, despite the flaws? If I widen a hallway to make it easier for players to move around, will I have ruined the flow of the orginal? If I close off an out of place looking hole in the floor, or if I block off a route to streamline things and keep players from getting confused, did I just wreck the balance of the map? I really don't know.

Also, I noticed that there are some Red buildings and props right next to the Blu spawn. That seems to be what Sruman intended, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Although there are a few quick fixes I can make to improve the map slightly, this map very definitely needs a lot of reworking, and I'm just not sure how to go about it. Hopefully Sruman himself will be able to assist me with this.

Let's take this to PM's, it'd be easier...


Feb 2, 2014
I feel like I have brought two people together for hours of deciphering my old ass alpha layouts

You have, and I'm still waiting for the fucking map on my end. XD


Jun 7, 2015
i think ill take cp_grandcanyon, where i can download it?


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
i think ill take cp_grandcanyon, where i can download it?
maybe you should finish one of the rest you've claimed, before you take on another