Filtering func_respawnroomvisualizer?


Jan 30, 2010
Demo vmf here:

Basically I need to filter a trigger_hurt on the front of a train, the filter entities in the vmf are set up to catch all cases except one.. the bomb properly collides with other bombs and players (and engineer buildings). It also properly opens doors.

However the one exception I've been unable to solve.. the trigger_hurt always fires when it hits a func_respawnroomvisualizer. As near as I can tell filter classes can't work on this entity.

Does anyone know of a solution or workaround?


Jan 30, 2010
Oops, I had the wrong permissions set on it. The download works now.

But it's irrelevant (maybe) because I figured out a solution earlier today.

a) Create a filter_activator_class with a classname of func_respawnroomvisualizer with "Disallow" set.

b) Create a filter_multiple using the previous filter as a filter. Negate is NO and Logic is AND.

c) Assign this filter_multiple to the trigger_ brush and set Everything in the flags tab.

Based on how I understand filters (it's in theory just simple boolean comparisons) this shouldn't work but it functions properly for all cases. Players and sentries trigger like I want, and the entity does NOT trigger on func_respawnroomvisualizer.

Source. :O