Compressing Mp3 and Wav files for Say Sounds plugin


L1: Registered
Aug 31, 2013
I compressed sound files for say sounds, I was wondering will it still work.
Before compressed the sound files were in tf\sound\saysounds\doh.wav
now tf\sound\saysounds\doh.wav.bz2 I have edited the saysounds.cfg

// # so you don't have to whitelist your whole "sound" folder.                  

// # Whitelisting is done in the "pure_server_whitelist.txt" file located 

in the "hl2" folder.        #
// # Example: sound\myfolder\...    allow_from_disk                                

// # Don't forget to change the map after you've added something to 

your pure_server_whitelist.txt    #
// # For more infos on pure servers visit        #




"Sound Combinations"
    // #### Join/Exit Sounds ####
    "JoinSound" // Sound to play when a player Joins the server
        "file"    "me/welcome.wav"
        "admin"    "0"
        "text"    "A player has joined the server :D"    // Message to 

display if s client joins the server
        "single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all 

(default is 1)
        "volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
        "file"    "me/welcome.wav"
        "admin"    "0"
        "etext"    "A player has left the server D:"    // Message to display 

if a client leaves the server
        "single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all 

(default is 0)
        "volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
    "STEAM_0:1:49915377" // trigger for specific STEAM ID
        "file"    "Me/MeJoin.mp3.bz2" // name of sound to play when joining
        "exit"    "Me/MeLeave.mp3.bz2" // name of sound to play when 

        "text"    "The Founder has entered the server."    // Message to 

display if this client joins the server
        "etext"    "The Founder has exited the server."    // Message to 

display if this client leaves the server
        "admin"    "0"
        "volume" "0.5"            // Specify volume for this specific sound
    // #### Say Sounds ####
    "doh"  // Minimum configuration for sounds
        "file"    "Me/doh.mp3.bz2"    // This will set all other options to default 

    "wazza"  // Word trigger
        "file"    "me/gaben.wav.bz2" //"file" is always there, next is the 

filepath (always starts with "sound/")
        "admin"    "1"    //1 is admin only, 0 is anyone (defaults is 0)
        "delay" "5" // will delay the sound by 5 seconds (max delay 60 

        "adult" "1" //will announce the sound as ADULT SOUND, hide it 

from the sounds menu, block the chat output (defaults is 0)
        "text"    "blablabla"    // Message to display for this sound
        "download" "1"    //1 to download the sounds, 0 to not download 

(default is 1)
        "flags" "ao"        // only clients with either the "a" or the "o" flag 

will be able to play that sound
    "lol"  // Word trigger to randomly select 1 of multiple sounds
        "file"    "me/lol1.wav.bz2"    // name of the 1st option, can also be 

        "file2"    "me/lol2.wav"    // name of the 2nd option
        "file3"    "me/lol3.wav"
        "file4"    "me/lol4.wav"
        "count"    "1"        // number of sounds (default is 1)
        "volume" "0.5"         // Specify volume for this specific sound
    // #### KARAOKE ####
    "somesong"  // Word trigger for Karaoke
        "file"    "me/somesong.wav"
        "karaoke" "somesong.cfg" // name of config file for karaoke lyrics
    // ####FernFerret####
    // ####Action Sounds####
    // New Section showing how to use Action Sounds Extention
    // New Parameters:
    //    - actiononly    If this variable is set to 1, the sound cannot be 
    //                     played by a menu or a client typing
    //    - action        If the action filled in here is performed, the sound 

will play
    //    - param            The best way to think of param is "Play Sound if 

[ACTION] with [PARAM]"
    //    *                 Some examples are Flag events**, or weapons***
    //    - prob            The probability of a sound playing, if you want a 

sound to play 20% of the time
    //    *                 the fill in prob as ".2" or the percentage divided by 

    //    - playto        Play kill events to clients/teams
    //    *                attacker - plays the sound to the attacker
    //    *                victim - plays the sound to the victim
    //    *                both - plays the sound to the attacker and the victim
    //    *                ateam - plays the sound to the attacker team
    //    *                vteam - plays the sound to the victim team
    //  - Some examples:
    "rocket" //This example plays a random sound to the victim if he gets 

killed with a TF2 rocket launcher.
        "file"    "me/saysound/rocket1.mp3"
        "file2"    "me/saysound/rocket2.mp3"
        "file3"    "me/saysound/rocket3.mp3"
        "count"    "3"
        "admin"    "1"
        "actiononly"    "1"
        "action"    "kill"
        "param"    "tf_projectile_rocket"
        "playto"    "victim"
        "file"    "admin_plugin/invincible.wav"
        "admin"    "1"
        "actiononly" "1"
        "action"    "uber"
        // Note: If the action is uber, you do not need param
        // Prob is assumed 1 or 100% if nothing is provied
        "file"    "admin_plugin/lmf.wav"
        "admin"    "1"
        "actiononly" "1"
        "action"    "kill"
        "param"        "flamethrower"
        "prob"        ".05"