TC Rocket


L1: Registered
Apr 29, 2012
This is my first official map.

A rocket crashes into a military contractor's base. RED and BLU descend, RED scavenging engines from the craft and BLU grabbing the energy shield generator. But both need the reactor in the rocket to power their labs, so it's a fight to the death on this god-forsaken mesa.
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L1: Registered
Apr 29, 2012
Yes, I figured having 3 points in the middle instead of 4 would make it easier to balance the play between them.


L1: Registered
Mar 27, 2013
Played this on the server today, and I have to point out a few things:

- Just like you said, in some areas the scale is way too big.
- Barely any hpkits and ammo, and for the wide spaces this map currently has, this is a bad thing.
- Some or ALL of the spawns are broken, in other words, you can go into the enemy teams spawn easily.


Feb 7, 2008
Was actually pretty fun for how ridiculous the scaling was! Then again, I was playing sniper.

Here's all of the sightlines I abused. I played on red for the entire time.

Each point is kinda hard to defend, since the spawns are so far away from the caps themselves. Usually, if an enemy got onto the cap, they capped it. Red's last territory (not the final end-game cap) was almost never successfully defended.

We never played Blu's end-game round, I'm not sure why. May have been team balance.

Overall, a good idea for a map, but horribly overscaled. Hope you can get that arena setup thing to work, it sounds like a cool idea!


L1: Registered
Apr 29, 2012
A2 out with reduced sightlines and bad spawns.

Cut away some of the fat, and made a bunch of other fixes. Still trying to figure out what to do with the Rocket territory; rubble piles is one idea, a covered walkway along the spine is another.

Perhaps the biggest change is that now there is a route over the top between the Helipad and Rocket. Now the tunnel to the left of the Helipad is only used for the attack on BLU's final.

If the Helipad continues to be problematic, I will probably add a building along the cliff.


L1: Registered
Jul 23, 2013
Why do teams spawn at the same location during the first round?
The rocket area seems kind of empty.
How about making some kind of ramp/tower structure and a bridge/platform over the rocket?
Also the downwards spawn exit takes you to two large cuboid-shaped rooms. They should be one larger room?
Perhaps the helipad spawnroom can be a bit larger? And delete the house with ammo and medkit to make the path between zones shorter. If you think it's problematic you can just remove its basement.
On red's final control point you should add some cover. Both for the defending team and for the attackers, and cover around the point!
The area with the rock rubbles, try to make the spawn room layout better :p
On blu's final why don't make a straight path leading directly to it? So engineers won't be camping there :)


L1: Registered
Apr 29, 2012
Why do teams spawn at the same location during the first round?
The rocket area seems kind of empty.
How about making some kind of ramp/tower structure and a bridge/platform over the rocket?
Also the downwards spawn exit takes you to two large cuboid-shaped rooms. They should be one larger room?
Perhaps the helipad spawnroom can be a bit larger? And delete the house with ammo and medkit to make the path between zones shorter. If you think it's problematic you can just remove its basement.
On red's final control point you should add some cover. Both for the defending team and for the attackers, and cover around the point!
The area with the rock rubbles, try to make the spawn room layout better :p
On blu's final why don't make a straight path leading directly to it? So engineers won't be camping there :)

1. I've been trying to fix that, but I can't test spawns well enough on my own.

2. I've been thinking about that. As for combining the rooms, I had it like that in A1, and it was pointless. The upper room acts as secondary passageway as well.

3. Which house? The one on top, or the guardhouse?

4. The pipes and metal panels work to that effect. Also, the cap time for red base is shorter than that for blue base.

5. Are you talking about the rocket? If so, I'm not sure what I can do to make a better spawn.

6. From the cargo container room to the spawn, or from the outside to the cargo container room?


L1: Registered
Apr 29, 2012
A3 out!

Because the primary complaint was that the map was hard to navigate, most of the changes went towards improving usability. There are now dynamic and static signs pretty much everywhere. There is also now a map that pops up between every round that shows the last point captured and the two active points. It is broken for the first round, and I don't know how to fix that.

However, I also added a little bit to almost every area. I opened up the top to the Rocket (A) area regardless of the round. I added a cliff-side route at the Helipad (B). I added some cover to break up the BLU final. I extended the ramp to the communications bunker (C), stuck a kink in the small central tunnel near C, and put in a maintenance tunnel that parallels the road tunnel from A to C.


L1: Registered
Jul 23, 2013
3. Which house? The one on top, or the guardhouse?

4. The pipes and metal panels work to that effect. Also, the cap time for red base is shorter than that for blue base.

5. Are you talking about the rocket? If so, I'm not sure what I can do to make a better spawn.

6. From the cargo container room to the spawn, or from the outside to the cargo container room?

3. The guard house.. But now when I'm reconsidering it actually looks kind of nice.. :p
4. I played version A2 and there was barely no panels at the point :p

5. Nope I was talking about the area leading to the helipad, the rocket, & Red's final. First time it looked kind of stupid, but maybe it's just me.

6. The opposite side of the BLU spawn room, perhaps a third way to get on the point there? Right now that spot is OP for engies :p

I hope my feedback helped, as I don't have much experience in map-making. (my first post was in this thread) :cool1:

EDIT: I will definetly try the newest version as well!
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L5: Dapper Member
Mar 15, 2013
Wow, the map is definitely not as broken as it was in a1 anymore, I like the way it's going so far. Work on the spawns and sightlines, though.

Another minor complaint with the current version is that labeling your points A, B and C in a TC map gets kinda confusing. I think you should stick to team colored arrows instead.


L1: Registered
Apr 29, 2012
A4 released!

Tried to fix the "flatness", and removed the ABC signage. I added in another route and some shenanigans in the middle tunnels near the exit to the Communication Bunker area.

I think I'm going to let this map sit for a week or two before testing again, because I know people are getting a little weary of it.

I'll probably start working on a regular CP map in the meantime.