New Map Pugs - Saturday 23 February


L2: Junior Member
Aug 1, 2012
New Map Pugs - Friday 22 February


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Group Page:
Admin: hooky

Date: 22 February, 2013

Event will begin at:
Central European: 3:00 AM
UK: 2:00 AM
Eastern: 9:00 PM
Central: 8:00 PM
Mountain: 7:00 PM
Pacific: 6:00 PM

Time for others.

Maps to Be Tested

Maps are subject to change. Feel free to suggest maps. I had to rush this as I need to get to bed.​
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Nov 6, 2011
I'm not sure if I'm the only one thinking this, but finally!
I've been watching these over at but I never could get involved in them (particularly since I never could figure out how to get involved in the competitive community).
I certainly hope you can provide extra information for this soon (since you haven't actually given the day, although I guess you'll be announcing it over the group, which you should post here as well, I'm already joined but others aren't) so us mapmakers who want to be involved can be.

Additionally, if you're going to be putting any maps of mine in your pugs I personally wouldn't recommend xenon, it still has a ways to go before even being likable by our group here and I have no idea how a map that large would be taken by the comp community - however, I'd certainly be open to testing cp_rockypoint and cp_edifice (5CP and Gravelpit-style, respectively) in your pugs, because for one I would love to have input from competitive players on those (especially on Edifice since I originally wanted that to be a better gravelpit).

Whatever you choose I will certainly be attending these pugs as I think they would be a neat way for me to get more involved with the community, and if you'd be willing to pick up one or two of my maps to test alongside that, it would be swell.


L1: Registered
Feb 13, 2013
I am all for a competitive testing. Gamedays have been pretty chaotic with everyone disagreeing on how a map should be played. I'd encourage everyone to give this a shot, you might find you enjoy more serious play when a common goal is established.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
In all the years I've been here, I've never bothered to actually ask what this "pug" thing is. From the sound of it, I'm guessing it's like gamedays but with comp scene players doing their 6v6 thang?

They sound like a group I can trust to not abuse trolleport exploits. Is that a fair assessment?


L1: Registered
Feb 13, 2013
In all the years I've been here, I've never bothered to actually ask what this "pug" thing is. From the sound of it, I'm guessing it's like gamedays but with comp scene players doing their 6v6 thang?

PuG is just an acronym for Pick-up Game: a match organized by players who come together and 'pick up' a game. PuG is not limited to competitive play, however you'll rarely see it used elsewhere(in TF2). While I'm hoping these PuGs will be 6's, Highlander could be just as useful and perhaps more accomodating to players' class preferences. Not to mention, you'd get 6 more users involved at a time.


Nov 1, 2009
Nice, glad to see someone picking up the competitive testing after Waxpax's PUGs disappeared, if you can sort out STVs of the games i'm sure the map authors would really appreciate it, voice comms too if there is actual talk of the map and not just calls etc


L2: Junior Member
Aug 1, 2012
I'll need to shorten some posts, sorry for butchering your comments.
finally; provide extra information

xenon isn't good enough yet, do rockypoint or edifice

Will be there, pls test my maps

I felt like the best way to get feedback to the mapmakers was to formally invite them to spectate some pugs, or even play if they know enough about 6s (I realize many of you do not play competitive at all). I had the date in the title, but I have also put it in the post itself too.

As you know, I have swapped Xenon out for Edifice. Took a look at the map and it looks pretty cool. If it's actually better than Gravelpit then that would be awesome.

I really would like to see all of the map creators there. Of course, I will be there.
If you're willing to take attack/defend maps, CP_Pinnacle is a multi-stage map that I've designed specifically to be less chokey than Dustbowl. Getting it tested would be swell.
I might get this tested eventually, but for now A/D maps should definitely stick to single-stage.
Nice that those are back.

I would like to see koth_highpass beeing tested.

Thank you very much for the offer.
KOTH maps are always welcome. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
I am all for a competitive testing. Gamedays have been pretty chaotic with everyone disagreeing on how a map should be played. I'd encourage everyone to give this a shot, you might find you enjoy more serious play when a common goal is established.
Thanks for the comment. I feel like getting a map tested both in pubs and comp makes the map better overall.
Nice, glad to see someone picking up the competitive testing after Waxpax's PUGs disappeared, if you can sort out STVs of the games i'm sure the map authors would really appreciate it, voice comms too if there is actual talk of the map and not just calls etc
Thanks. Will definitely get STVs and try to remember to record my team and have someone on the other team record also.

I have added a logo to the first post. :D


Jul 14, 2009
Very glad this is being done again. Two questions:

Is this 6v6 only or will you do HL? Which weapon whitelist(s) will you be using?


L2: Junior Member
Aug 1, 2012
Very glad this is being done again. Two questions:

Is this 6v6 only or will you do HL? Which weapon whitelist(s) will you be using?

6s, but I could see HL happening in the future.

6s will always use the standard ESEA rules (they're pretty consistent across the continent) unless testing is needed for other geographical areas.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
So how'd this go? I didn't catch that it had moved, so I missed Friday's. And then when I joined on Saturday to spectate, it was on some map I'd never seen before, so I just let it idle while I waited since there were plenty of extra slots, and then I got kicked by the AFK manager, and when I tried to rejoin it kept telling me the password was wrong.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 1, 2012
It went decently. We have determined that Edifice is (so far) the best map we've played. Nothing else seemed to work as well.

We did skip a lot of maps due to player requests, though (especially turbine2).