WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


L6: Sharp Member
Oct 31, 2011
You should post that in your map thread, Deodorant. Unless they know your map, it's hard to give feedback on the routes. But one thing I can advise on, is is to walk each path, record how long it takes from spawn to cap, and balance it based on that. If one path takes 10 seconds, and another path takes 20 seconds, then the 20 second path needs a strong tactical advantage to make it worth the walk. Check out koth_viaduct for a good example. The fastest path approaches through valley, 2nd fastest on level footing with cap, and longest path approaches from above the cap.
Posting it in the map thread would have cluttered up this thread less, but posts in map-specific threads rarely get replies as quickly (or at all) as posts in the wip thread. As for knowing the map.. I've overhauled most of the map since it was playtested, so there's not a lot to recognize. This shot shows one half of the symmetrical map. The hill is placed in an indoor room with some generic height differences and cover. There's a roof above the hill room, with a hole looking down on the hill. Apart from that, the blocky outlines are all there currently is to it.

I'm just wondering whether the whole basic premise looks ok about now; The double L layout, the walking distances as compared to the nucleus hill.. If it does, I'll start actually making these routes and release a playable a3 version in the map thread, but all the feedback I need right now can probably be given based on this picture.

The route thing you said is interesting. I'll keep it in mind. My reasoning this far was 'Direct route to hill, slightly longer bypass routes to hill in case of camping and mid-area turtling, some flanking/infiltration/fire support routes and areas scattered throughout'.

The Asylum

still an alpha build bro

this isn't so much as focusing on aesthetics as it is getting shit to work right


Feb 7, 2008



Jan 30, 2010
Is that a non-playable area? I'd probably try to eliminate some of the fences surrounding the propane tanks.

Wire fences don't look very appealing when looking through several of them at once.. it just looks noisy with all the diagonal lines interfering with each other.

I love connecting the playable area with a vehicle access route though. The continuity is nice (and kind of rare in maps).
Jan 8, 2011
The furnace doors should open as the cart descends the hill, before it breaks through the ground (I assume you're still doing that).