PL Swiftwater (swift revisited)

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.
May 2, 2009
Based on yesterday gameday only one door has green light and it's the last door at the back of spawn. Other doors have red light no matter if they are locked or open or shortest route out. I noticed couple of instanses when red tried to get out of locked door.
Oct 6, 2008
Artesia, that has been sorta changed.

Now there are only the two little areas above the trees in Cp1 that are clipped to the top. The problem is that no matter what the shape the clips for the trees are a soldier/demo will still be able to stand on the teensiest place. I think players standing on trees would look really weird and wouldn't be good for gameplay.

In this version are the clips still a problem?

Put a func_conveyor on top 1 unit wide divide into 4 quaters (so the player will go off in a dirction relative to their jump)- they won't be able to stand there for too long - lol
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L1: Registered
Mar 4, 2014
Hi mates, from time to time, my highlander team like to mess around on the maps of the week on UGC, for: planning pushes, counter pushes, holding positions, good traps, sentry placement, good hiding spots for surprise attacks etc...

When I find this very dangerous potential "exploit", well all know that most of this grids allow damage to pass, we know them from: Steel, Fast Lane, and others, my team like to call them "Chicken Pen".

When the Blu team have it's further spawn position (after capping 3rd), in front of it's spawn, there is on the roof a "Chicken Pen" the top floor, is the last point hold, with a nice timed trap, it's possible to devastate the Red combo on the top floor.

Here is a screenshot to help Schwa to fix it, note that the Red Heavy took damage from my Black Box as you see that 15 Health is returned from the hit.



L1: Registered
Mar 4, 2014
One last info about an exploit that I found some minutes ago. It's possible almost in the same spot (on top of the closets) to exploit a Kamikase taunt grenade to spawn on the top level, this exploit is possible when you taunt with Equalizer/Scape Plan, in a crawl space, so when the full taunt animation occurs, the explosion will happen on the top floor, and the worst, the taunting player does not dies, since the explosion is away from him, so it could be done multiple times with any health loss, this was possible for example on Snakewater and Gullywash, the same spot can be accessed by any class (by jumping on the cabinet handlers) to taunt for "wall hacks" for the top floor too.

The exploit can be seen on this videos.

Screenshot of me killing a bot on the top level.


Anyway, I always enjoy playing this wonderful map, and will love to see this making into the game.
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L420: High Member
Jun 17, 2012
awkward geometry, janky flanks, unavoidable sightlines, overpowered sentry spots, minisentry empowering ammo spots
the ugc version is better but still not good enough, salvaging it is possible but it's supposed to be a dead map and all


L2: Junior Member
Jul 29, 2016
setpos 1885.544434 -3560.826172 -1073.658936;
setang -10.410460 53.167507 0.000000

Unskewed displacement.