Event on KoTH end-of-round.


Mar 1, 2010
Ok so this one is driving me nuts. All I'm shooting for is having something triggered at the end of a KoTH round, same outcome for either winner.

I have discovered, through research and bugging people, that zz_blue_koth_timer and zz_red_koth_timer are my culprits. Now my only problem is getting these to actually work.

I know that they are spawned when the map loads, via the KoTH entity. I have tried just placing entities in my map under those names with the desired output, but they just give me errors in the console and they don't do anything at all.

Is there something I need to do to give these phantom entities outputs?

The Asylum

team_control_point_master has OnWonByTeam1 and OnWonByTeam2 outputs. That's what KOTH Melee Fort uses to open the weapon shed doors and kill the weapon stripper at the end of the match

The more you know!