KotH Katacombs


L1: Registered
Jan 9, 2012
And now, my second map! It is a relatively small underground excavation site with the control point in the very center. It is a fairly dark map, with the only effective lights coming from the torches scattered about the cave system. Spys and snipers will enjoy the "secert" tunnel leading from the spawn points to the main room. Just keep in mind that the secret tunnels are lit brightly purple; peps will see you if you're not careful!

Enjoy! :)


Jul 31, 2009
I know it's supposed to be a dark map, but why not increse the ambient light slightly? Dark maps may be good for some classes, but very frustrating for everyone else.


L1: Registered
Jan 9, 2012
Too dark? I thought I had made it bright enough to not cause confusion (specifically, where the two teams enter the central chamber).

Edit -- Hmm... Honestly, I think it's just fine in the light department. Had my character run around in third person and the light bounced off him enough to make him noticeable.
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Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
Being noticed is one thing, being able to tell what team someone is one is another.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Running around in third person is one thing, you know that your player is in the middle of the screen. Detecting enemies from a distance without the forsight to know where they are is another completely.

It looks like you've used a base light ambience of 200, which is the default setting. The average light brightness in TF2 ranges from 450 to 1600. So you should at least double your maps brightness, if not quadrouple it or hectople it. You should be aware that map brightness is calculated using light bounces (20 to be precise) and certain textures reflect more light than others. Brown wood reflects significantly less light than white bricks. Gray cliff rocks will also reflect small amounts of light making your map darker than the base light values would imply.

Take Valve maps as a status quo (because they are), doublecross is an example of a dark map. The lights still light up the play space so that players can see each other and determine threat levels from the enemy class and weapon loadout. You should follow suit, even if you think you know better (which your experience would imply you don't). The guys here are seasoned TF2 players and seasoned Hammer users, you should listen to their advice.
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L1: Registered
Jan 9, 2012
Because when I up the settings on the light entities, this happens.


...I'm not sure I want my map looking like that when it's supposed to be dark and foreboding and what-not. :(

EDIT -- I suppose I could increase the lights around to 280, instead. That seems to be a good compromise between "atmospheric" and "full bright".
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Oct 6, 2008
Too dark? I thought I had made it bright enough to not cause confusion (specifically, where the two teams enter the central chamber).

Edit -- Hmm... Honestly, I think it's just fine in the light department. Had my character run around in third person and the light bounced off him enough to make him noticeable.

One things you also have to be aware of is that some people also have dark monitors - if they do they won't play your map because they won't be able to see anything - lol