
CP Antiquity B18


Sep 11, 2013
I've seen that happen to cabinets on a few maps, including official ones. Just a random glitch I think. Like sideways doors.


Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
Yeah, it is random glitch, like sometimes doors begin resupply cabinet models, or vice versa.
Nothing he can do.


Aug 14, 2009
Have you considered this?

The following is either a game-breaking, or epic win. You choose.
Where my cross hair is placed could be a window. Directly behind this wall is the middle area (See screenshot above this). It's a prime place for snipers, yet doesn't make them invulnerable to other classes. With all the open areas on the map, this may help balance it. The gameplay is balanced on this map for the most part, it's just a very open map and there aren't a lot of places for snipers.

None of the other cabinets were turned that I noticed; however, you should consider moving them closer to the exits of the spawn room.

Sorry, I'm firmly in the "game-breaking" camp on that one. There's plenty of long sightlines so snipers really shouldn't feel left out. Especially around CP2. :)

I might shift one of the cabinets forward. Will have to see after I get a chance to work on B5.
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Aug 14, 2009
Hoping to have B5 released tonight or tomorrow. I've already reduced time to mid by 2 seconds (it now takes heavy the exact same time to reach as cp_badlands). I also reworked the visgroups to make future changes easier.

Also changed the placement of the first forward spawns so that all spawn exits face mid. And various other fixes.

Final compile will depend on how quickly my current immense headache subsides. :|
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Aug 14, 2009
A day late cause I had some problems with an areaportal caused by cloning it improperly. Also, I was screwing around with an env_sun (never got it working, gave up on it and just used the skybox prop).

B5 Changes:

* Removed out of place light on red's last point
* Fixed some minor visual errors in the skybox
* Added sun to skybox
* Changed large healthkit to medium
* Tweaked cover placement at mid
* Tweaked arch/statuary at CP2
* reduced distance to mid (~2 seconds for vanilla heavy)
* added areaportalwindow to help optimize CP1/5
* Added spectator camera
* Added camera props to locations with camera views
* Reordered the main spawnroom's entities to be sequential (left to right)
* First forward spawn now faces mid

As always, let me know of problems. In particular, if I screwed up the packing of it.

[Edit] Oh, and have a link to a large overhead (700+ kb). Huzzah for cl_leveloverview!
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Aug 14, 2009
Apparently I have been handling capture point timing entirely and completely wrong, resulting in longer in-game times than expected. Corrected in the latest version, amoung other things, and moved to RC1.

Download link in first post.


* Cap times corrected (CP3 = 24, CP2 = 12, CP1 = 4)
* Crates at mid changed to ramp (no more jumping to reach)
* Added walkway to top of mid point (all class access)
* Fixed clipping at various exploitable spots
* Added "Capture Zone" overlays

Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010
Did you ever release the Khmer head models for download? I'm greatly interested in using them for my Build Around The Track map. Theme just looks great, what can I say.


L1: Registered
Oct 4, 2011
Not working

Hey !
I'm trying to run antiquity RC on our server, which is running linux.

Everything is up to date, pretty common plugins (MM/SM/UMC/GS). Everyone misses your awesome map !

Trouble is, as soon as server switches to it, the server freezes (after showing cvars in console). I triple checked the files were correct, and I believe they are.

Server freezes before client attempt to download the map from mirror.

How can I troubleshoot this ? Am I the only one ?

Other custom maps work fine.


Aug 14, 2009
I don't believe anyone has ever reported a crash due to the map before, and I've played it quite a few times on various servers with a full or nearly full playerload. Did it happen with versions prior to rc1?

I would try deleting it and re-uploading in case the file became corrupted somehow. Also make sure it's named "cp_antiquity_rc1" without any capital letters as those can mess with linux builds.

[edit] Also, is this with downloading the bz2 or the bsp? Whichever one, try using the other and see if that helps.

Hey !
I'm trying to run antiquity RC on our server, which is running linux.

Everything is up to date, pretty common plugins (MM/SM/UMC/GS). Everyone misses your awesome map !

Trouble is, as soon as server switches to it, the server freezes (after showing cvars in console). I triple checked the files were correct, and I believe they are.

Server freezes before client attempt to download the map from mirror.

How can I troubleshoot this ? Am I the only one ?

Other custom maps work fine.
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L1: Registered
Oct 4, 2011
I would try deleting it and re-uploading in case the file became corrupted somehow.

OK I met success ! I downloaded the bz2, got the BSP back using "bunzip2 --keep", and map is loading correctly. Can't wait to play it again :)

Also : cheers !


L1: Registered
Jan 11, 2011
Don't know is you can help, but:
On my mac, Every time my server switches to your map, it states "cannot CRC" or something along those lines. And yes, I've also tried downloading it here. I've played it on my PC before and loved it, but is there anything you can do to help?


Aug 14, 2009
No idea, I never heard of this before now. From a google search, it looks like this is not a problem due to a specific map but can happen on a mac for any custom map in any source game. The solution is to delete your copy and download a new one, but doesn't always work. Link Link

Also spotted this comment:

The error seems to happen when the server doesn't have the .bz2 compressed version of the map.

And of course, make sure "Allow all downloads" is selected in options.

Other than that, I dunno.


L1: Registered
Jan 11, 2011
Yeah, I think the problem is the .bz2 thing. I've played pl_obscure just fine before, which is in the whole <mapname>.bsp.bz2 format, yet I cannot play this or other maps which are uncompressed for me, such as swiftwater.

Maybe you could compress it here, if it isn't too much trouble...

EDIT: O Yea and I didn't know if you knew, but somehow this made it into the TF2 wiki, despite never getting posted on the TF2 blog or being used in comp. play.
Probably due to STAR's video, though:
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L1: Registered
Jan 11, 2011
...And now I feel like an idiot. :bored:
First, I just did this all today: I tried deleting the map, but also noticed that there was a .bz2 copy in my maps folder, so I tried using just that and...
It registered as not even being on my system's list of maps.
Then I double clicked the compressed file, just for kicks, out popped a new map, and It ran like a charm. My old map was probably just a bad copy...

So sorry for any trouble...


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 18, 2009
Antiquity is another example of an amazing map that's seeped back into the depths of the void, unnoticed and unplayed. This is very unfortunate because it's such an amazing map, it has it's own theme that fits in just right with Team Fortress 2. The gameplay is also quite fun (I've played it once with people... lol).

Hopefully with this new update, it'll bring a new light to a lot of these gems and perhaps Valve will accept this into their graces.
Overall, this map is awesome! 'Just wish more people would host custom maps out there (talking to you Skial!).