Map does not load (error! reliable snapshot overflow)


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
I'm wondering if anyone can help me with this rather annoying problem. I recently started adding lights to my map (up until then everything had the unnatural glow) though I did not add light to everywhere on the map (that needed it) - just a couple of places to test out how the lighting looked in those places. I compiled the map, and it all ran fine.

I then added more lights and started getting problems with it crashing, so I followed the advice on this page ([INFO] How to make a complex map not entity CRASH!) but nothing has worked. Now when ever I try to compile and run the map I am always get the "error! reliable snapshot overflow" message.

In order to try and reduce things, I have removed all the lights from the map as well as turning everything that is not already one type of entity into a func_detail, but still with no difference in the outcome. FYI, my point entities count is 556 while my solid entities count is 592, making a total of 1,140.

I have included my log file, but as this is my first map I am still new to understanding what it all means -

If anyone can point me in the right direction or advise me on the probable reason for this error I would be most grateful!


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
There's a thread that has the same error; I think it essentially boils down to you having too many entities.

Actually that doesn't answer my question because I don't have any func_breakables and I have already reduced the light/entity levels to lower than what they were before I started getting the error message.

Also, I had already read that post in search for answers!


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
OK I have been doing what the interlopers site says when I put in my log... and the log is referencing things that are not there and non-existent brushes! I'm literally follow coordinates to empty space!

This is really annoying me now! I really don't know what to do about this as I can't make changes to things that don't exist in the map! :cursing:

:angry: Oh and just to take the piss, I thought I would try run vvis on normal instead of fast.... damn thing was still going after 6 HOURS! I had to end it the program in the task manager because I could see no progress being made.
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Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
To quote myself;
Werewolf [UK];238495 said:
In order to try and reduce things, I have removed all the lights from the map as well as turning everything that is not already one type of entity into a func_detail, but still with no difference in the outcome. FYI, my point entities count is 556 while my solid entities count is 592, making a total of 1,140.


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
To re-quote myself;
Werewolf [UK];238495 said:
In order to try and reduce things, I have removed all the lights from the map as well as turning everything that is not already one type of entity into a func_detail, but still with no difference in the outcome. FYI, my point entities count is 556 while my solid entities count is 592, making a total of 1,140.

I changed everything back to normal and the map ran... for all of 4 seconds before the game crashed saying "Engine Error - too many indices for index buffer.. tell a programmer (39658>32768)" WTF does that mean and WTF do I do about it??

I've put the latest log through Interlopers and its still pointing me to the same non-existent brushes and coordinates in empty space as it was before.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I'll be honest, I have no clue what got royally screwed up in your map. I've tried putting forward everything I could think of to solve it. Based off that error you just posted, you have broken a limit and have too many "indicies" Not exactly sure what that error is, when did it pop up in compile? During VRAD? VVIS? VBSP? That may deal with displacements, or someplace with a LOT (and I mean a LOT) of vertex editing brushes. Have you carved? Have you hollowed anything, have you reclessly used the clipping tool to clip anything.

I'm really trying to avoid saying that it might be best to start over, because you really really screwed something up.


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
I've hardly used the vertex tool, though would getting rid of those items that I have used it on help in any way?

As for the error message, it appeared after the map had compiled. TF2 loaded the map, and I joined red then 4 seconds later it crashed and gave me that message.


Probably not a real Werewolf
Apr 12, 2011
All alt-p tells me is there is no player start.

As for the grid, what do you mean? Its all in the centre, well away from the edges of the possible mapping area
Oct 6, 2008
Hey had this problem the other day myself.

Have you double checked your entities?

Make sure you don't have any items (like duplicate rules or something hiding inside a brush - it might make game do weird things.

Do the entity list thing and see if it gives you any un-named entities - they will appear in the list but will be blank. Repair or delete it as needed.

I found that I had accidently hit the space bar in one of my entity names causing the error. Once fixed map ran fine.

Hope this helps and good luck in fixing it.


L3: Member
Sep 16, 2010
Werewolf [UK];238645 said:
Yeah as I said, its all there in the middle. I actually have a room built around the origin.

With on the grid we mean having the sides of brushes on the lines of the grid, like this:
