PL Swiftwater (swift revisited)

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What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Thanks Snips and Yler. Like I told Snips, the grass thing isn't happening on my end so I need a screenshot.


Sep 11, 2013

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Welp. That's frustrating. I was using two different blends that I thought were the same base (green grass) texture.


L1: Registered
Apr 14, 2010
Found a couple of texture/displacement bugs.

This texture flickers when i move back and forth:

The reflection on only part of the floor looks really weird:

Also, the grass texture bug extends out to the back courtyard

I really want to jump on part of this roof. :p

Also, this is rather annoying seeing out of the corner of your eye:
Rooftop bug.mkv


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Welp. That's frustrating. I was using two different blends that I thought were the same base (green grass) texture.

Check both of those materials in the GCF, I'm thinking the reason is because they are indeed both the same color, but one of the 2 blend variations probably has an SSBump associated with one of the 4 textures (for both blends), which would account for this difference in brightness.


L1: Registered
Apr 14, 2010
A couple more minor bugs:



A gameplay issue that i see often is the campability of BLU's second spawn. Once the 3rd CP is captured, the doors open and you can camp their spawn from several vantage points. I managed to camp their spawn by walking around and hiding for nearly 5 minutes. Maybe this could easily be solved by blocking off the doors for RED?

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Once the 3rd CP is captured, the doors open and you can camp their spawn from several vantage points. I managed to camp their spawn by walking around and hiding for nearly 5 minutes. Maybe this could easily be solved by blocking off the doors for RED?
Thanks for the pictures.

The blue forward spawn has always been an issue. All I can say is at this point it is better than it has ever been. The spawn time is super low for blue, and they have three exits. If one person is harassing them at the spawn I don't consider this to be too big of an issue. It is one of my favorite things to do on Badwater, and that forward spawn is one exit out a narrow hallway.

I will consider different solutions, but I don't quite understand what you mean by "blocking off the doors." If you could elaborate or take more pictures/draw on them I'd appreciate it.


L1: Registered
Jun 5, 2010
We have swiftwater frc20 running on our servers at the moment- if we get any more feedback about it we'll let you know. Certainly the issues with some of the textures earlier up the page have been seen on our end too.

Looking at it earlier on, the changes you have made are great. :)

Awesome work! :D


L1: Registered
Apr 14, 2010
The third cap is just too hard to hold as an engineer (as compared to something like frc2). I haven't seen it held in quite a while. It is (usually) a critical point of the map, if you can't hold this point, they won't have much of a problem winning the round. For one, the demos have 3, maybe 4 different vantage points to spam down on the sentry guns under the overhang, and there isn't enough metal to rebuild fast enough. Back in FRC2, 3 engies working together would be able to adequately hold the point (for a good amount of time), but now, in the current version its just too hard. Also, the only reasonable place to build for the engies seems to be right outside of spawn. It would be great if we could get another defensive position across from the overhang.

My clan's server is getting tired of all the changes too :p
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L1: Registered
Jun 26, 2011
always enjoyed swiftwater played frc16 recently

was intrested in map then looked for newest version
for server i was running tried frc20 on it

realized now it doesn't compile in dx8
which i play in for better FPS

entire thread on this

so u can't play frc20 in dx8 so that is a problem also fr16 is best version now

also i noticed on frc20 u made the first yard alternate route easy to recognize which is good, but favorite part of that map was the windows to snipe from.... which are now completely removed

also my main suggestions for this map would be to fix the second spawning zonez after they cap the 2nd point it takes forever to get out of spawn on red side

also the last cap should perhaps be extended longer once the ramp goes down like at least the length of goldrush first cap and make red side have more of a height advantage and things to set sentry's set up on

also maybey make the 2nd spawn for red area around the top of the last ramp in the corner or something .....just my suggestions other than that this map is favorite pl map and should become official hopefully because alot of other servers play it
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L1: Registered
Apr 16, 2010
If you truly can't play Swiftwater FRC20 on DX8, then we'll be sticking with FRC12 forever over on FreeFrag, too many of our people use DX8.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
If you truly can't play Swiftwater FRC20 on DX8, then we'll be sticking with FRC12 forever over on FreeFrag, too many of our people use DX8.
Please don't discount updates because of bugs, there is absolutely no way I will let this bug continue into the next version. Be patient while I try to figure it out. TF2 has been updating like crazy lately and pinning down bugs is tough. In addition I've been busy doing research this summer. After July 5th I will focus on kicking out the absolute final version, so feedback during this time will be critical.

That said, this latest flurry of updates (well, yearlong <sigh>) was meant to open up my process of iteration to the public. There were many server operators who would get upset with me for only giving test versions to some people. In retrospect this likely wasn't the best idea with an established and semi-popular map. I understand that version glut is annoying, but iteration is necessary. If you aren't happy with it please continue to play pl_swiftwater until I formally release pl_swiftwater_final (which will be before the end of the summer).
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What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
What's up with the spawn times? 3 seconds for Red while defending the last two points? It should be 10.
In the latest version do you feel Red is having too easy of a time defending? I get so much mixed feedback it is hard to tell sometimes.

I like short spawns because it normalizes play over the entire TF2 serverbase. I know that many feel that insta-spawn servers are sacrilege, but they exist and have large playerbases. If possible I want to accommodate everyone, but vanilla 24 will always be a priority.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
realized now it doesn't compile in dx8
which i play in for better FPS

entire thread on this
Thank you so much for the kind words.

Please add me on steam and I'll send you newer versions to test to make sure this problem is gone. I'm away from home right now doing toxicology research, but I'll be back Monday July 5th.

Also I'm slightly confused, you obviously have run around on the map. Did you change your settings to DX9 to play it? Or is the DX8 bug only there when you try to connect to a server?

also i noticed on frc20 u made the first yard alternate route easy to recognize which is good, but favorite part of that map was the windows to snipe from
I enjoy sniping from there too and tried to make the remaining platform a viable sniper nest. Now instead of being restricted to the one ledge with windows you have two ledges to choose from. If you have any advice about specific cover please take a screen shot with pictures drawn on it.
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L9: Fashionable Member
Oct 26, 2009
In the latest version do you feel Red is having too easy of a time defending? I get so much mixed feedback it is hard to tell sometimes.

I like short spawns because it normalizes play over the entire TF2 serverbase. I know that many feel that insta-spawn servers are sacrilege, but they exist and have large playerbases. If possible I want to accommodate everyone, but vanilla 24 will always be a priority.

I don't know - I just played it once, and noticed the spawn time was ridiculously short (on a vanilla server) so did mp_showrespawntimes and noticed that it was 7 seconds shorter than default.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
You are right that in general spawn times in Swiftwater are very short. It was a design goal from the beginning. I also tried to make walking distances from spawn to action as short as possible.


L1: Registered
Jun 26, 2011
well so far fr16 was a good version i like it specially the arrows around red spawn

havnt played frc20 yet since dx8 problem

but main thing i suggest leave is the sniper windows

on first cap, like fr16 has and frc20 doesnt

fr16 is great version cept needs blue arrow at second direction? one version had that second route near first cap had blue arrow showing you could go that direction...still tried this on server yesterday fr16 peole could find second direction that led to boardwalk

also fixing last cap is one thing you should do like make the final bowl bigger at the end where the cart goes down ? i suggest pl_upward final stage is good way to make last cap on this map also i was thinking make a board walk at the end right before the ramp goes down would be intresting like boardwalk that goes up like on 2nd stage.... to snipe from would be cooL


L1: Registered
Apr 16, 2010
Honestly, I think swiftwater is one of the best payload maps out there, hands down.

I'm sorry I came off as rude, it's been a bad week.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 31, 2010
Swiftwater yes, but this version no ! FRC20 is not a good idea. Less beautiful, less fun, less ..., ...
I don't understand why you've do that massacre !!
I'm sorry, but I'm very, very disappointed by this changes...
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