Need some help completeing map - advice plz

Oct 6, 2008

I basically have a map done with a couple of things yet to do:

1. Payload not working right - I seem to have everything coded right? but the map crashes as soon as I put in a team_controlpoint_master in - any ideas? If I leave it out map compiles right - but in game the cart has a glowing blue texture on it and there's no train_watcher at the bottom. Where should I look to find the issue?

2. Optimisation:

Some parts are easy to figure out but I have a lot of open areas - can you look at the screenshots provided and give me some clues/tips?

ie. I have put a hint brush across (width wise facing up) the lower part of the canyon where the river is and another across the top of the cave lake is this good?

Although I have read some of the online tutorials and such when it comes to optimizing it I haven't got a clue as to what to do here on this one.

Note: the cave areas / passages are all sealed with area portals to separate the caves / interior to the exterior - the wood passages near the cart start are all func_detail there so it's a box there and all torches are a func_detai also.

Can you criss-cross hint Brushes like this + or join them side by side? Thanks for the help.

Oct 6, 2008
Has 4 stages - 13 CP in total - thought the limit was 8 per round - can revsist that part of the map - can easily get rid of 1-3 easy but would have to increase times added.
Oct 6, 2008
Ok looks like I might be making progress - FINALLY!!!

Looks like payload is now working - I say looks like as game crashed last point round 1 - the payload hit a model I think - it did a weird bounce movement and then game locked up.
Oct 6, 2008

Brought the CP's down to the eight maximum - cart and tranwatcher now functional!

I'm actually proud of myself as I am using for the first time ever - MY OWN CUSTOM PAYLOAD MODEL!!!:woot:

My issue now is that my map crashes at the last cap of the first stage. :(