E3 chatting


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
Personally the best presentation so far has been the Sony one, just because I like Kevin Lavine so much... The Nintendo one made me think of this movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JElywbkSbY I think they should have named it the Nintendo Gambit, just because they "sacrificed" the hardcore game group (the smallest amount of games) in the Wii to gain an advantageous position over the other consoles. I personally think their gambit worked... I'm a hardcore gamer and I still bought a Wii. And, gambit is a word many people understand.

Thoughts, Responses, Opinions?


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 23, 2009
My opinions:

Brothers in Arms Furious 4: Fans are going to be pissed.


Halo 4: Interested, not sure how it will end.

Halo Anniversary: Considering its a retool of the original (ie best) Halo, it had me hooked. Plus the ability to switch between new and old seems pretty damn neat.

Ghost Recon: meh

Wii U: Coooooooooooooooooooool.

Push Kinect for everything aka Microsoft's entire thing: mega-meh.

Tomb Raider: Intrigued, but still not into Tomb Raider.

Ace Combat Assault Horizon: Not liking the move towards the real world, but hey planes helicopters whoosh.

Battlefield 3: Want, but much less so than ME3.

Bioshock Infinite: goddamit just take my wallet already. Bleed me dry.

That's all I cared about.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Overstrike: Wish it was coming for PC. Looks great, kinda has a "Incredibles" (pixar movie) art style, which I loved.

The PSVita: Interesting, I like the front and back touch screens, good launch titles.

BF3: I'll probably get it if I have money. But maybe not. Don't get me wrong though, I love what I'm seeing so far.

Ghost Recon: Future soldier - Looked cool, i remember playing an OLD ghost recon game years ago. I really like Gunsmith.

WiiU: Yea, if I really wanted it for solo playing, I'd get it, but I have my computer for that and the titles I want. I'd take it though if I had a group of my friends though to play and share with, ie, when I'm living in my apartment next semester. Then I would get it in a heartbeat.

Halo 4: Interested to see what the hell is up with the new company

Assorted Nintendo Game: Makes me wish I played them as a child, but I guess I get a chance to now.

Probably more stuff I'll figure out later.


L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 16, 2009

Yahtzee: Is E3 worth the money? I wouldn't know, I've never actually been in person. But attending a consumer show for video games (as opposed to a trade convention like GDC) does feel like antithesis to a few principles in my core philosophy. I do not get hyped up for things. It's just universally unhelpful for everything I do. If you don't give a shit then you can only be pleasantly surprised, and I've been burnt too often by disappointment to fall for it again. In which case, E3 is like some unholy anti-Mecca for me. It's all hype, all the time. I usually devote a video to going through all the hottest videos that come out of it and explaining why they're all going to suck. Why? Because someone has to. You can only disappoint the people so often before civilization collapses.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
E3, where people talked about stuff that's already been talked about in 2010; and where games companies discussed releasing sequals of sequals of sequals.

It would have been 100% more interesting if Gabe newell turned up on his own and said "It's just me, Gabe Newell". Let alone discussed anything Valve related, such as Ep3.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 23, 2010
Walks on stage with a whole literal ton of donuts and says "And this postpones it for twenty more years." and walks back off stage.

As far as E3, BF3 has me pumped, ACR has me pumped, and the WiiU has me amazed.


Sep 11, 2013


Jul 31, 2009
I will slaughter, kill and murder brutally every microsoft employee if Halo Anniversary doesn't have a PC release


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
BF3 was cool and so was Overstrike. Erm. Yep. That's it. That's all I care about from this E3.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
Nothing hugely interesting. Bf3? I suppose.

Tomb Raider? Actually looking a bit dissapointing, but maybe the open-world stuff will sell it better than linear cave-crawling and quicktimes.

Skyrim? Mass Effect 3? I'll be buying them both regardless. Mass Effect 3 looked exactly like the others, so, nothing new.

Mass Effect 3 on kinect? Lol. Microsoft are shoehorning Kinect into anything they can to shift a few copies. Shame really, since kinect is potentially cool, and doing to it what Clash Of The Titans et al have done to 3D would be a waste. Kinect needs its Avatar: something impressive built from the ground up for it. Like that Star Wars game they showcased, but not flogging a dead horse with ropes of shite. Maybe a more serious psionic powers game.

WiiU WiiU, WiiU, WiiU, I'm a fire truck!

I thought there was some youtube poop to be made here, but inspection reveals that to be http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/b/b7/Engineer_cheers01.wav Wuu-Wi?

Looks cool-ish. I wont be getting one, but i like the idea. I like the way the nintendo guy (Who looked like a goblin on steroids, incidentally) said "You all got used to the name Wii once you realised it was meant to be "We"". The missing phrase there is "Yeah, we get what was wrong with that name. Oops"

Overstrike OOh. Interesting.

Minecraft on Xbox Thank you Notch. Watching PC gaming snobs hysterically screech at their old golden boy is the best thing from E3 this year for me.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Minecraft on Xbox Thank you Notch. Watching PC gaming snobs hysterically screech at their old golden boy is the best thing from E3 this year for me.

When I first heard this I instantly was like "OH YOU BASTARD NOTCH" ... but then 5 seconds later when I actually thought about it, my thoughts on it was a complete 180. I think this could really work. It makes sense to me. when I think kinect I think of a game like minecraft...

Now if it only came to Wii, we could score some cool "pickaxe" peripherals for the Wiimote.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
The Minecraft thing made me go "BWUH?" until I remembered that he was already planning for there to be a final release and for all updates after that to cost money, so it's already in line with the way console releases work.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 10, 2009
Kirby Wii looks fun. New Traditional Paper Mario is happiness.
Jan 20, 2010
The Minecraft for 360 isn't even being developed by Notch. Another team is working on it. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a very different game than the PC version.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
The Minecraft for 360 isn't even being developed by Notch. Another team is working on it. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a very different game than the PC version.

I think if it is, then there is going to be some very un-happy people. What differences I can see though are way inventor/items work, but thats about it.