Demo Scoreboard and a question.


L1: Registered
Mar 14, 2008
I am posting this working scoreboard along with a request for some help with a filter.

Note: I kludged a fix to my own question. I would like to know if anyone has a batter system.

I want a trigger_hurt to hurt anyone who is not carrying a flag. I saw a version of this on the rock2 map. In that map you pick up a gas mask to get immunity from a mass kill.

Here is what I have so far. (Edited for brevity)

"classname" "item_teamflag"
"ReturnTime" "1"
"targetname" "Redflag"
"TeamNum" "3"
"OnReturn" "Blue Score Relay,Trigger,,0,-1"
"OnPickup" "!activator,SetDamageFilter,fighter,0,-1"

"classname" "filter_damage_type"
"damagetype" "65536"
"Negated" "1"
"targetname" "fighter"


"id" "7937"
"classname" "trigger_hurt"
"damage" "100"
"damagecap" "20"
"damagemodel" "0"
"damagetype" "65536"
"nodmgforce" "0"
"origin" "0 -12 116.5"
"spawnflags" "1"
"StartDisabled" "0"


So the guy gets a flag and is granted immunity. I will add another trigger to take away the

immunity when I get this working. The problem is that flag or no flag players take damage

when they enter the trigger. So what am I missing here?

Thanks in advance.
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L1: Registered
Jan 12, 2008
i'm not familiar with this language, but i think that i can give a good abstract explanation:

its either this part that hurts damage to the player:

"damage" "100"
"damagecap" "20"

or you obviously told the entities to hurt the player before giving him immunity, which means you need to rearrange your settings so that immunity comes before the hurting.


L1: Registered
Mar 14, 2008
Never mind, I figured it out. The flag can't send !activator tags correctly. :(

Instead I created a trigger on the intel.

The trigger is parented to the intel and disabled by default.

When the intel is picked up it enables the trigger.

The trigger sets the damage filter and disables itself.

Yet another trigger parented to the intel triggers when the intel is dropped. It resets the damage filter to null.

A seperate trigger in the spawn room resets the damage filter for flag carriers who are fragged while carrying the intel.

It's a pretty cracked system, but it works.

Ideally I could just block people by name rather then killing them, anyone know how that whole filter by name thing is coming along?

I want certain areas to be 'safe zones' for flag carriers. Barring entry to non-flag carriers. I might use a teleport instead if I can get it to filter correctly.