A few problems


Jul 31, 2009
Hi guys. I'm new at TF2maps and to tf2 mapping and I need to ask a few questions. I tried searching but found nothing on this.

first of all u no wen u compile your map, well when i do this it takes really really really long, lik 5 hours, and doesnt always even finish:confused::confused:D:

2nd of all, I have these purple squares on ALL of my reflective surfaces. I must be doing something wrong because it's on all of the new Japanese swords on my targe demoman. I don't know how to get rid of them, please help!

Also, my water is invisible when I compile my map. It's still there like you can swim in it, but it's not visible, and from underneath it's also covered in purple.

My shadows are also all pitch black. I copied the lights from 2fort (my favourite map) but when I put them into my map, the roof is all black. My sky is also really glitchy when you look at it, like it's copying everything that happens like a mirror or a hall of such.

Also all my overlays are not working. I tried using decals, but someone told me to use overlays, and when I compile they don't show up. Someone said something to do with full and bright, but I don't know how to do that. Should I be running in fullbright mode?:confused::confused::wow::sleep:

Also, when my compile finally finishes, there's loads of errors about invalid solids. I went to the co-ordinates, I found that it was my tower that I copied from gravelpit. I know your stance on copying valve maps so I decided to make a hole in the top...I tried carving a 32 sided cylindar into it, but It's throwing up errors. I think it might have something to do with the fact I only used 32 sides, should I use more?

Another problem I'm having is making uneven terrain like in 2fort hills. I found a tutorial on youtube about using the carve tool with a sphere and stuff to make it, but when I do hammer just really slows down. Should I get a better computer?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

I'd really like some help on this. I really want to finish this map. It's this great idea of this giant boss tank thing and you have to stand on tiny poles to fight it or you fall into lava. I decided to restrict you to the sniper class to make it more interesting too. Oh, and there's full resup. But you all have to promise not to take my idea now! Okay! Thanks.
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Oct 25, 2007
if you were a girl id help you, but i dont help guys.


L420: High Member
Aug 26, 2010
Girls don't exist on the internet, you're out of luck


Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Quake. Look at Aly's post count. Now back yours, now back to hers. Sadly, you don't have her post count. But she does have a lot more experience than you...


OH... @quake: if compiling is taking too long, its NOT always VVIS's fault.

EDITED for the sake of the thread.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
even if this question was joke , you may now understand that now i know what i do.

/me removes comment for sake of thread.

EDIT FROM ABOVE: It wasn't meant to be mean, but meant to keep this thread on topic.
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Oct 25, 2007
Quake. Look at Aly's post count. Now back yours, now back to hers. Sadly, you don't have her post count. But she does have a lot more experience than you...


OH... @quake: if compiling is taking too long, its NOT always VVIS's fault.

EDITED for the sake of the thread.

this thread is now stickied.


L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 16, 2009
I'd really like some help on this. I really want to finish this map. It's this great idea of this giant boss tank thing and you have to stand on tiny poles to fight it or you fall into lava. I decided to restrict you to the sniper class to make it more interesting too. Oh, and there's full resup. But you all have to promise not to take my idea now! Okay! Thanks.

Hey! I've already created that, why don't you check all the maps on Tf2maps.net before you decide to create that map! God! No respect! Maybe you should just go over to that stupid game Minecraft and build a map out of legos you n00b!


Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010

Next April's fools we need make Drp do this, or make him watch My Little Pony.


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 14, 2008
Super serial response:

Quake, you still show some signs of newbishness. Never, ever use carve unless it's a square in a square. Those examples you gave advice on should be displacements.

Anyways, if I could give Aly a hundred thanks, I would. This made my week.