CTF Face


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009

Watch the preview here

PCGameTime is running the current ctf_face on their server 24/7, the IP is
Connect by bringing up your console (` or ~ key) and typing "connect"

tf2.blackcompany.com also runs ctf_face on occasion.
Type "connect tf2.blackcompany.com" to join the server.

Hi everyone,
I spent the last week reworking UT99's classic CTF_Face for TF2.

I was capturing the flag on UT3's ctf_face when I stopped, noticed an all encompassing sadness seeping right in my heart on account of the absence of a rotating skybox. Needless to say, I was gibbed, laughed at and booted from the server after having stood there for about half a minute. I had realized my life now had a purpose once more. My mission was to create a custom rotating skybox for the closest CTF featuring game I knew, TF2. I didn't think it was possible since func_rotating was scrapped in TF2, but after having circumvented that I found my ego boosted in a way that allowed me to continue remaking the entire map during the past three weeks since Dec 22nd, the day of my epiphanic realization.

Watch the preview here

The map is not finished (now as in Jan 25th 2011). Thanks for all your support!
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The Asylum

Do we really need yet another facing worlds port?

Though this does look better than the other ones, I'll give you that much

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
You should not embed content (sounds in this case) that overrides default content. Nothing cues the engine to reload the originals later on, and so they stay cached and used on all subsequent maps until the user closes TF2.


L420: High Member
Apr 19, 2009
Looks like a good remake, though they are some huge sightlines there, all you'll probably get is a whole bunch of snipers sitting at the tops of the towers sniping at each other and scouts trying to make quick bonk powered dashes across the open ground, so it's probably not all that playable, but that's generally the case with most maps which are re-makes from other games.

And agreeing with Boojum
Though you really shouldn't use custom soundtracks to override the current ones, it'll be pretty weird to leave your map and join up to 2fort to hear the ut sounds in it.

Also, decreased gravity can sometimes be a bit annoying and make some classes, such as soldier and demo-man obsolete and others over powered, but just telling you that, if it's not to much lack of gravity it should be fine, just don't do some ridiculous amount that you can jump up the top of the tower in a single bound.

The map looks really nice, though, some very good Egyptian detailing, even though it is in outer space so kudos for that.


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009
Do we really need yet another facing worlds port?

Though this does look better than the other ones, I'll give you that much

Well thank you ^^

You should not embed content (sounds in this case) that overrides default content. Nothing cues the engine to reload the originals later on, and so they stay cached and used on all subsequent maps until the user closes TF2.

Oh, that's why nobody does it. Alright, I won't include them in the next version... I suppose there is no other way to disable win/loss music (the short piece after the announcer says "Victory")?

Looks like a good remake, though they are some huge sightlines there, all you'll probably get is a whole bunch of snipers sitting at the tops of the towers sniping at each other and scouts trying to make quick bonk powered dashes across the open ground, so it's probably not all that playable, but that's generally the case with most maps which are re-makes from other games.


Also, decreased gravity can sometimes be a bit annoying and make some classes, such as soldier and demo-man obsolete and others over powered, but just telling you that, if it's not to much lack of gravity it should be fine, just don't do some ridiculous amount that you can jump up the top of the tower in a single bound.

The map looks really nice, though, some very good Egyptian detailing, even though it is in outer space so kudos for that.


I'm going to consider what you addressed that in the next update. I'll try to find a way around decreasing gravity, though, because it adds to the atmosphere immensely.

The map is now running on and tf2.blackcompany.com!
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L1: Registered
Aug 15, 2009

Downloaded it, will put it on my server tonight. I loved this map in UT! And it's SUPPOSED to be a sniper fest, that's kinda the point. :)

BlackCompany.com TF2 Server
/connect tf2.blackcompany.com



L1: Registered
May 31, 2009
Thanks for running the map :D Shame you couldn't stay to test it too ^^

Well, the test went awesome until people started crashing because of all the rotating door entities. I've found a way to resolve this and patched the map. It now works on old PCs, too, and doesn't cause choke anymore.

Nevertheless, in the about 15 minutes the map ran it was pretty fun. Snipers are not all that overpowered, they actually are in danger of getting stabbed or counter sniped at all times - so, few players tend to play sniper and it balanced out at about 2 snipers per team. Who were more busy dodging enemy sniper shots than killing other classes, but did well overall.
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L1: Registered
Dec 4, 2010
But arent CTF maps really supposed to be sniper fests? like 2fort.

And the map looks interesting, gonna try to test it out


Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
But arent CTF maps really supposed to be sniper fests? like 2fort.

And the map looks interesting, gonna try to test it out

2fort is worst possible example of ctf map you can have, ctf neither any other gamemode is meant to be sniper fest, if a map is sniper fest, the map is bad. (And that what 2fort is)


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009
I think comparing two "sniper fest" maps and claiming both of them play exactly the same is not fair. 2fort has bottlenecks, sentry spam and hardly accessible intel rooms with only two exits. Face on the other hand has several healthkits scattered on the central platform, so if you try to kill someone you have to hit them with a charged shot (which gets you killed in turn by other snipers) or score headshots all the time - which is hard, seeing how the distance between any sniper and center is about twice the length of 2fort center and you might get stabbed in the back by a spy teleporting behind you - the intel is easily taken out of the enemy base via teleporter, sentries can be attacked from all angles and need to be controlled by a wrangler to be effective.

Well, that's how the map turned out to play last time I tested it, so I don't think snipers need to be given further disadvantages. They have their place, but they also have to watch their back all the time.

You should not embed content (sounds in this case) that overrides default content. Nothing cues the engine to reload the originals later on, and so they stay cached and used on all subsequent maps until the user closes TF2.
I just played ctf_face on the penny arcade server, won the round and heard my modified version of your_team_won.mp3. I then joined some random ctf_turbine server and it was back to normal - without having shut down the game before. Have they patched it?
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L1: Registered
Jan 24, 2010
While I love Face I'm kind of worried to see how it makes the conversion to a tf2 map. It was simply a different game.


L1: Registered
Aug 15, 2009
Need to rename your releases

Hi Acid,

You need to rename your map releases, ie:



Right now you've released 2 versions, both of them are called "ctf_face". We had your first version on our server, and when I updated to the second version, people who had the first wouldn't download the "new" one and were kicked from the server because their maps didn't match. If 2 different maps have the same name, the client won't re-download from the fast download server.

Please call your next one ctf_face_b3 or something, and keep updating the name as you release new versions.

BTW, the new update is awesome. It no longer chokes (net_graph).

One problem we did notice was spawn camping by snipers. You might want to figure out some way to better protect people when they spawn. Maybe a small glass room behind the building with 2 exits?

Thanks again, your map is still on our server.

connect tf2.blackcompany.com


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009
Great, thanks very much!

I didn't bother using a suffix as I didn't want to develop the map any further, but then the choke forced me to release a new version. The next version will be _b2.
I was planning on modifying spawn points for the next version. Taking your suggestion into consideration, I'll move them out of the building and make sure spawning players are behind cover.

Thanks for your feedback!


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009
Further progress:

The towers are now about as tall as the original ones, both bases have an additional entrance above their main entrance for Demomen and Soldiers, Spawns were moved, I'm redesigning the center parts and displacements are being added.


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009

I'm pretty close to releasing _rc1, but I have got a problem in my entity setup.

I've got a logic_timer setting off the rotating brushes and firing "OnMultiNewRound gamerules SetStalemateOnTimelimit 1". gamerules is the name of my tf_gamerules, which is set to allow overtime.
Yet ingame, when the team_round_timer runs out, the HUD clock goes into overtime and just stays at 0, no matter what I do.

What have I done wrong there?


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009

Alright I'm finally done working on the first release candidate :)
If you own a server and are willing to host the map, please write me, as I'd like to test it with some others.

As you can see there are now displacements everywhere, and on them some shrubs and additional detail. Both teams now have a locker room in the back of their bases, but still spawn behind their respective towers.
None of the debris is solid anymore.
The stairs have become narrower and you can now accidentally fall off
There now is an additional entrance for rocket and stickyjumps in every tower
There is an instruction manual about how you can use your own custom soundtrack as background music.
Lastly, I replaced and removed some items, as it was too easy to replenish health.

Have fun!


Edit: The DL is now updated to _rc2. This includes some fixes regarding sound and crashes.
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L1: Registered
May 31, 2009

The map is now polished and supports HDR. I updated my first post with some information and added the file to tf2maps' database.
The map is going to run on [US Server] this evening.

Thank you all for your support and comments!


L1: Registered
May 31, 2009
Huh. I've got an actually final, fixed version pending. Including HDR again, three instead of 2 songs and without the stucks. I'll release it soon.

Aaaand it's done.
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