CP ArtPass_SpiralShot


L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
Delicious Bonk! Oh how you irradiate! How do you get that glow? Red team is getting extra Australium from somewhere... but where?

Originally an ordinary soft-drink factory (built by Blu team), the Red team appropriated the production site as cover for a top secret project run by the Red Engineer.
Once the project was up and running, the world was introduced to the greatest energy-drink ever concieved--Bonk! Although long-term effects have yet to be determined and early testing with pop-rocks caused it to be banned in certain countries, the short term side-effects made the drink an instant success and caused demand to skyrocket.

The Administrator, with an intuition usually reserved for wombats and the mothers of teenagers, found herself wondering why Red team had suddenly set up shop in the refreshment industry with a suspiciously unstable (yet surprisingly delicious) product at an unbeatable price point.
Something was up. Something...Big.

The Administrator has called for Blu team to get to the bottom of this. Get in there. Find out what Red team is up to. Whatever it is, get it for Her.

Ok, so this is my first map, my first contest and my first post. Hat-trick? My map is themed around the origin of the Bonk drinks, and the factory they are produced at. I am putting my WIP shots up; I still have plenty of issues to resolve and I hope I can get everything tweaked to playable status before the deadline. I don't have it fully detailed with props & overlays yet. Nice big learning curve for me. Hope you like it.
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L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
fubarFX - yes, they are animated

The Political Gamer - you are correct, I haven't got the supports on the conveyor at A yet. The line there will be suspended from above like the other lines. All the can lines are above the jumping collision hight of players (except for double jump and assisted jumps).


L3: Member
May 31, 2010
I'm having a hard time with this map, mostly because all the screenshots all have a really high level of detail making my eyes dart back and forward instead of focusing on the important playable areas.

I think that you should experiment a bit with lighting, trying to make the objectives and ground level areas more bright and allow the purely decorative areas to fall a bit into shadow. This would both make the map easier to play as well as let the darker areas blend more easily into eachother, taking some stress off the eyes.

Another thing to consider is the brick texture around C. Bricks get repetitive really fast and are also very high contrast, you're using them on both A and B already. Try and experiment with different textures on different levels of the room, you're doing it with the other textures already, just get rid of the brick.


L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
Huckle - I will give your lighting suggestions a try, thanks. I will also try out some alternate textures to ease up on the bricks. I'd also like to reduce my use of them on some of the upper exterior walls of the factory as well.

LeSwordfish - Good point about rocket jumping. The conveyors are only over point A and C, elsewhere they are in/along wall lines. I haven't play tested them, but I tried to take into consideration any interference they may cause. I *think* A will be ok, C is more tricky because it fills the center of the room, and I am not sure if I want players to be able to walk on it or not, and if it should block bullets/rockets. I think I want it solid, but that is something that a little bit of play time could sort out.


L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
yyler - at C, the newly rolled, empty bonk cans spiral down into the fission core, where dark alchemic deeds occur. I'm not allowed to talk about it, but I can say that the stuff that comes out of that core in the cola cans is both delicious and radioactive.
Nov 14, 2009
Interesting theme, C looks kinda poorly done, though that might just be your settings. I would liike to see some different lighting settings, and also higher settings on the screenshots.


L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
Grim Tuesday - The conveyor at C is that odd shape for a couple of reasons, neither of which are likely to console the player. The conveyor and it's metal shrouds are shaped in the form of my spiral avatar when viewed from directly above. A huge, gratuitous self-tribute. I know I could handle that transition better if I wanted to, but honestly I just like having a bit of *me* built into the map in this way. The second reason was to give it a little taste of the cobbled-together feel, like it was hastily added after the "real" purpose for the factory was finished. All weak rationalization aside, I probably will have to learn to live with it since the deadline is this Saturday.

I am definitely going to try to tweak on the lighting, and I am open for any suggestions. I will try to get some higher quality screenshots, I may not have had my game settings maxed out when I made those.

LeSwordfish - I am still struggling with allowing players on the line. It is really only at A & C that being able to get on top of the conveyor should have any impact on the gameplay. You can't follow the line from one area to the next, so it doesn't provide any extra/alternate routes.
Nov 14, 2009
I would suggest not allowing it at C, maybe with some trigger_pushes, but I see no reason not to at A, since although it changes gameplay, it would be stupid not to allow it.


pew pew pew
Apr 29, 2008
Man, I'm elated and disappointed to see this at the same time. If only you'd posted this thread about a month ago you could have had a ton of great feedback. :/

On the flip-side it's a really interesting theme and it has some nice ideas and elements.

For me the one big problem I have with it at present is the density of detailing. The transitional area between A and B for example has a lot of visual clutter that could be heavily reduced. Detail should be used to guide players eyes not just fill up space.

Anyway that's my 10 cents, good luck sir and I hope you get the feedback your entry deserves in the very little time there is left.


L3: Member
May 17, 2010
Very creative idea!! i like it! Now, if only we had a sentry factory :D


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
<scout>Oh man, that's beautiful. Heh.</scout>

But yeah, BoyLee is right. It's too busy. There is almost literally a distracting amount of detail in this.


L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
BoyLee & stevethepocket - I think you both make a good point about the detail level. While I won't be able to do much about it with this contest entry, the experience has definitely helped me get a better concept of where that sweet spot between realism, functionality and enjoyable play is. Now I just have to get there. :)

I waited to post my thread for a few reasons, but the short of it is only because it is for a contest did I avoid discussion. I even avoided looking at the other entry threads (mostly!)

Draser - thank you, I think it is a pretty solid idea that works well with the TF2 storyline. As for the sentry factory, I think I saw an empty lot just down the street from the Bonk factory - and it had a big "Draser Construction" sign on it. When does it open? :)

P.S. @ stevethepocket - perhaps the distraction of the extra detail is part of my Grand Evil Plot to let me cap points unhindered. Either looking at the pretty flowers will get you killed, or the crushing weight of rendering them all will destroy your machine!


L3: Member
May 17, 2010
Ima thinkin that would take SOOO many custom models, it would be ridiculous, maybe once i've gotten good with XSI, will i even attempt it....so "eventually:Valve time"