The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting!

L13: Stunning Member
Jun 16, 2010
Since our recent Art Pass Contest, our level designers have gone back to their default state at the TF2 offices, which is to say, doing nothing, taking naps, eating lunch, and complaining. This has become a bit of a poison pill for the rest of the TF2 team, all of whom possess strong opinions about working (against it), naps (pro), lunches (very pro) and complaining (big fans).



Jun 9, 2009
Fans have been mailing us for some time now, asking for a contest that didn't involve modeling or level design skill



Oct 25, 2007
will get worms just for hat + non-usable grenades.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Stop being so cynical, it's my job.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Fucking Valve, stupid maggots are greedy for money. Off to shagging their mothers.
Oh yes. They are so greedy!
That's why they are giving you something when you buy a game made by another company.
That's why they released an entire game for free to everyone.
That's why they pay mappers when they know that anyone would jump at the offer even if no money was involved.

When are you going to fall in a hole so we don't have to deal with your worthless negative comments you occasionally come post.
Jun 19, 2009
Oh yes. They are so greedy!
That's why they are giving you something when you buy a game made by another company.
That's why they released an entire game for free to everyone.
That's why they pay mappers when they know that anyone would jump at the offer even if no money was involved.

When are you going to fall in a hole so we don't have to deal with your worthless negative comments you occasionally come post.

I think he was implying that the creators of worms are definitely paying valve to advertise. I mean, Valve wouldn't just post something like that. But yeah, I was going to buy worms anyway cause I'm a huge fan of that game!

Oh and... a contest that doesn't involve modeling / mapping? erm... I really have no comment.


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
fans have been mailing us for some time now, asking for a contest that didn't involve modeling or level design.


('Course, if they did, it'd probably be server plugins or something.)


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
I want my worms items already! I bought the game weeks ago!


Mar 25, 2008
That's why they are giving you something when you buy a game made by another company.
You forgot Steam. I bet they have some % of each sale. Say without ad they would get 100,000$ (theoretically). Now they'll get 200,000$ for Worms (yeah, people want hats) and some 5,000$ for TF2 (Worms people will be curious of the other game stuff). Double the profit.
That's why they released an entire game for free to everyone.
They've released piece of shit nobody is playing now. Again with TF2 hat inside so more people will buy TF2. More Ads = more profit.
That's why they pay mappers when they know that anyone would jump at the offer even if no money was involved.
Well I heard they pay 2000-3000$ for a roughly 6 months of hard work, that's about 333-500$/month. You call it high salary? And indeed any update will bring even more attention and money into the Valve's pocket. Probably as much as 10 times they've paid you. Yes, not to mention that some lowlifes will see your work, maybe respect you. But is respect of many idiots worth it? It's stupid videogame after all.

Again, Worms ad = more profit, AS = more profit. TF2 updates = more profit. And I wouldn't be raging so much if they'd treat gamers with respect. Would they, there wouldn't that god damn random drop system. People should seek a healthy competition, not fucking RNG grind based on a very low feelings. Every ad screams to me: SPECIAL OFFER! ENLARGE YOUR E-PENIS FAST! ONLY 19,99$! +1 HAT GUARANTEED!

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
You forgot Steam. I bet they have some % of each sale. Say without ad they would get 100,000$ (theoretically). Now they'll get 200,000$ for Worms (yeah, people want hats) and some 5,000$ for TF2 (Worms people will be curious of the other game stuff). Double the profit.
No I didn't forget it, sometimes it's just fun to ignore stuff when making comments, something you should know about.

They've released piece of shit nobody is playing now.
According to this it's the 11th most played game on steam. Even if it is sub-standard quality, who cares? When was the last time another company released any game for free? (hey look two of those things you ignored)

Well I heard they pay 2000-3000$ for a roughly 6 months of hard work, that's about 333-500$/month. You call it high salary? And indeed any update will bring even more attention and money into the Valve's pocket. Probably as much as 10 times they've paid you. Yes, not to mention that some lowlifes will see your work, maybe respect you. But is respect of many idiots worth it? It's stupid videogame after all.
I never said it was high. I said that valve doesn't need to. As you said any major update they do would bring in more money anyway, they don't NEED community maps for that, and authors would gladly give up their map for $0 if valve had never started the payments.

And I wouldn't be raging so much if they'd treat gamers with respect. Would they, there wouldn't that god damn random drop system. People should seek a healthy competition, not fucking RNG grind based on a very low feelings.
You're a joke. You imply valve doesn't have respect for gamers, yet they are clearly one of the most community-friendly developers out there with a lot of mutual respect both ways. (something else you ignored!) The very fact that you are one of those people who gets angry about the drop system explains so much. The drops are not the point of the game, stop caring about them.

You act like this is some new horrible thing valve invented. Stuff like this exists everywhere, it's normal. BUY 2 DINNERS AT X RESTAURANT AND GET A FREE TICKET TO THEATER Y.

But all of this is beside the point. I was just yelling at you. You barely visit here and when you do half of your posts are snide one-liner negative hate comments, and the other half are one-line vague and barely helpful answers that will leave the person still needing help.

Good day and goodbye. Don't bother replying.


Oct 25, 2007
You forgot Steam. I bet they have some % of each sale. Say without ad they would get 100,000$ (theoretically). Now they'll get 200,000$ for Worms (yeah, people want hats) and some 5,000$ for TF2 (Worms people will be curious of the other game stuff). Double the profit.

They've released piece of shit nobody is playing now. Again with TF2 hat inside so more people will buy TF2. More Ads = more profit.

Well I heard they pay 2000-3000$ for a roughly 6 months of hard work, that's about 333-500$/month. You call it high salary? And indeed any update will bring even more attention and money into the Valve's pocket. Probably as much as 10 times they've paid you. Yes, not to mention that some lowlifes will see your work, maybe respect you. But is respect of many idiots worth it? It's stupid videogame after all.

Again, Worms ad = more profit, AS = more profit. TF2 updates = more profit. And I wouldn't be raging so much if they'd treat gamers with respect. Would they, there wouldn't that god damn random drop system. People should seek a healthy competition, not fucking RNG grind based on a very low feelings. Every ad screams to me: SPECIAL OFFER! ENLARGE YOUR E-PENIS FAST! ONLY 19,99$! +1 HAT GUARANTEED!

who cares. valve isnt a charity. its a company that is in it to make great games and make money.

dont like the EXTRA stuff they give you? too bad. but stop bitching about it. its annoying.


Mar 25, 2008
The AS release overall is positive but the worst thing is TF2 hat.
Still by adding the ability to have your map officialized they've raised a huge interest, competition and more game sales.
See SPUF for the community. (what a mad place).
Those kind of ads is not the horrible thing Valve invented. That's the horrible thing Valve has started to be a part of.
Yes, I bother.... sometimes.

@drpepper, it's fine to me to pay money for some good pick-up-and-play multiplayer game. It's not fine when it becomes a stupid time consuming MMORPG with odd shitty stuff sold for real money.
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