Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010
Alright. Here's my newest addition to the things I have not completed yet. KOTH Deft is just like every other KOTH map, but with a twist: there are 4 other CPs which control 4 spawn AREAS and one central one that functions like a normal KOTH CP. Furthermore, the level is separated into 5 different chunks (each chunk has a CP) that, at 30 second intervals, change which chunks they are connected to. Kind of like a TC/KOTH combo but without map changing. Sound confusing? I'll update this later with more detailed info when the general layout choices are ready for presentation and the logic is worked out. This first post is just to get the thread started and to claim the name (if not taken already :O). I also uploaded a teaser screenshot for you to pick through. Don't spent too much time on it though, I may scrap the area in the end. In the meantime... SPECULATE!
Sep 1, 2009
It looks alright from the one view but I can't really comment fully as there isn pnly one view.
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jun 12, 2009
Can't tell much from one screenshot. But I'm liking the server command centre thingymebob :D
Mar 23, 2010
that sounds really weird......

actually sounds like 5TCPKOTH (the most genius idea ever).
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