

L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
Welcome to Valley, an Alpine single stage payload map set around a large valley. BLU are suspicious of RED's activity around the area and have decided to do something about it. After abit of investigation, the team is informed of a secret rocket facility hidden behind the Water 'purification' plant across the valley. The payload bomb is prepared as BLU highlight a weakness in the rocket's fueling area. RED notice BLU's approach and prepare their defense.

A few facts about this map...

-This is a single round payload map with 4 control points, like Badwater

-This map is just over the length of badwater.

-The final detailed version of this map will follow a similar design to Gorge and will feature BLU team attempting to destroy a RED rocket facility on the other side of the Valley

-The map is designed for 24 players and over, seeing as the large size might help cater for the larger servers without overcrowding the map (We all know what 32 player Goldrush is like)

-Below is a video of my map in it's a16 Release form on my Youtube account (Nicky02468). The rest of my channel has other videos showing how it's progressed, check it out!

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the map in play tests and game day tests, any feedback would be appreciated.

Map download is available!
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L12: Fabulous Member
Aug 14, 2009
what's up with the checkered skybox?


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
You mean the checkered thing on the skybox and Bridge? Ignore those, it's a graphical problem with my GPU drivers - nothing wrong with the map! :)


L12: Fabulous Member
Dec 10, 2008
The improptu was fun but it did show a few things. The whole map seems too large, but don't know if this is due to the actual size or the fact that the spawns (for blue) move forward too late. There are quite a few sniper lines such as across the log bridge part. Also, I think you might have messed up with the cart watcher since the point icons are all in the wrong places.


Aug 31, 2008
Liked how the map play'd in first round, but later it was just a choke point.

Overlapping textures.

Stupidly strong sentry position.

This room was a choke if theres one sentry built.

Not sure if i should be here.

Same as previous one.

Can't use the stairs because the barrel blocks the way.

Biggest choke in map, without any sideways.


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
Thanks for the pointers guys, most of the bugs have been fixed and all of the seriously stupid choke points have been balanced (I hope).

-Added an extra door leading from the RED building on the final corner towards the last cap which allows BLUs to flank the RED defenders

-Added a new side hallway at the start of the warehouse after Cap1, this will also help BLU to flank RED and help stop the doorway being spammed.

-Added basic detail to the large warehouse

-Added Alot more Health Packs and Ammo

-Upgraded the lighting fade of the warehouse lights to brighten the rooms up

-Moved barrel/box ramp from final corner back towards the RED building to allow people to move through that area when the cart is being pushed.

-Added arrows and Resupply signs for both teams

-Removed Buggy overlapping texture at the start of the RED Warehouse

-Placed Nobuilds in spawn rooms and containers to prevent serious sentry turtling

-Updated playerclips to prevent players being ontop of areas they shouldn't be

I'll be updating the download link and screenshots tonight to Alpha 5 once I've detailed another small section of the map. Hopefully I'll get my map in for the EU gameday on Wednesday. :)

EDIT: Download link and some screenshots have been updated
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L7: Fancy Member
Nov 27, 2009
-Need more signs :p. I were little confused in the beginning
-B is really easy to defend. I think blu needs more attack routes


L2: Junior Member
Jul 15, 2009
Almost of the health and ammo packs felt like they weren't in the right places, were too far apart, or something like that. Walking distances also seemed off. My solution to these problems would be to try to scale some parts of the map down. Sightlines were still also an issue with everything except the last point, whose long sightlines I felt justifiable- although the lack of flanking routes was upsetting. Signs pointing to the shortcut you should take after you get the first point or two would be nice, too, for the attacking team.


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
Thanks for the feedback, I've hopefully fixed a lot of things you mentioned.

There is now a bridge going across the choke point before the final point, with a new section of the building and I also removed a strong sentry position which was almost impossible to destroy with an ubercharge and half a team backing them up.

I created a new BLU spawn room to replace the old one which is used changed to once Control Point 2 is captured. A small ramp/staircase has been created on the outside of the BLU base leading to the top level, with the small BLU spawn side door having been removed. I also added a few new health and ammo packs. :) I hope these help to balance the map when it gets played next.


Nov 25, 2008
at the last corner, blue could be attacked from above, infront and behind, which was NOT good, especially when trying to take out a sentry. Think of how you could make the upper area less OP for defenders, maybe add walls and playerclip above so they have designated windows to shoot out of?


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
Thanks for the feedback guys.

Alpha 13 is now uploaded, it is one of the biggest updates of the map since the early alphas. I hope it's helped to fix some of the balancing issues in the map, hopefully reducing BLU's steamroll ability in a12.

I also started fully detailing areas such as BLU base's interior and finishing the warehouse's detailing.

Leave feedback here if you get a chance to play a13!


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
Also I don't like the new dark theme. The gorge textures look really off.

Who ever said that it can't get dark to stormy on a certain theme? And the waterfall isn't glitched anymore with this skybox, using the Gorge skybox made the waterfall appear green. I was also going to add Rain but the particle system kept glitching so I've just left it cloudy, as if a storm is moving in.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 26, 2009

Put a one-way door for red in that doorway, and the window is optional, just have red spawn in the spawnroom just to the left of where that door would be, and then they can either come straight out through that door or walk around.

Close it off when Blu cap, and then the reds neednt change spawns at all.

Try a version with this, see how it plays.