Easter props?


L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2010
I've been searching around for some time to find some Easter props to reskin a map or two for Easter--but couldn't find a thing---and though I may technically have -2 hours to work on the map 'til Easter. Maybe I can do a late-day release...and there's always next year. :O So, long story short. Anybody mind scrapping up some Easter egg models (perhaps textures for walls or whatever--if specifics are necessary, maybe a Dustbowl makeover), and maybe a small patch of grass that I can place around. (Also, if I have enough time, I'll swap out the pumpkin explosion setup with Eggs, just for kicks).
Feb 17, 2009
That would require a lot of work, maybe someone could do it.
P.S - don't even try to edit Valve maps its not cool. ;)

BTW - why is there another gamemaster in our Forums? Wasn't it enough with one? :D


L1: Registered
Mar 7, 2010
I don't intend to throw this around to every place that exists--I know that it's an official map of Valve's. I'll intend to keep it to a few small communities that I go to and heavily credit Valve for it being their map. :p

And if it's too much trouble--simply forget it. I was thinking maybe have an egg model made and then the explosive parts be a recolored pumpkin or something of the sort. *shrug*
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Feb 17, 2009
Its not too much trouble. I'm sure somebody can do it, but not me, i barely know how to use blender. :D