
CTF landfall rc

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Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
by: Dr. Spud

Now a release candidate!

Layout changes:
-You can now jump onto the shack along the outside path.
-Better FPS
-Various detail improvements and additions

Gameplay changes:
-Respawn rate raised 1 tick

Last edited:
Jan 20, 2010
The screenshots seem smexy and the premise sounds like it would be interesting. I get a feeling that the high road MIGHT need more of a deterrent than just fall damage (as scouts can basically circumvent that anyway.) Not sure what it could be, though.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
The respawn timers are baaaaaaaad. If you really want to experiment with them then I suggest you reduce the timer for the team who has moved the enemies flag from their base. That would help them to pull the flag out of the base. Once the flag is captured or returns then set the timer back to default.


Jul 19, 2009
imo reduce the height variant at mid to about 2/3 of what it is now, 3/4 if not. Its close to the peak of a rocket jump to get up top and no1 likes being airshot at eye level because they couldnt get enough extra height to strafe without pausing for a second. too high right now.

There were also a few clipping and texture issues in the screens. Also there were some roofs of buildings that were clipped off but were shorter than the mid which made little sense to me and kinda annoyed me when I tried to jump on or over them.

Map looks good. I'd suggest reskinning it or redoing the lighting so it doesnt feel/look so much like sawmill. an alpine brighter theme might do the map justice imo.

1 is a clipping error. i got stuck on it

2 and 4 are places i feel like i shouldve been able to jump to

3 is a messed up texture on the forward face of the stair.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Map looks good. I'd suggest reskinning it or redoing the lighting so it doesnt feel/look so much like sawmill. an alpine brighter theme might do the map justice imo.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that I'm not planning it to look so much like sawmill. Once I start detailing I've got a slightly different theme in mind.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
I had no idea where I was going.

Are the giant cylinders supposed to be trees?

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
so I updated it to a2, with some good fixes. But for some reason the game won't end once the timer ends. Does anyone know why this would happen?

Until then I guess just wait for a3.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
logic_auto > OnMapSpawn > gamerules > SetStalemateOnTimelimit > 1

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Ok I updated it to a3. It's the same as a2 just with the timer fix. And these are the changes:

Gameplay Changes:
-Raised respawn timer from 4 to 7

Layout changes:
-Lowered the height of the upper path in middle.
-Added a couple more buildings and rocks to block sight-lines on each side.
-Added some "battlements," "intelligence," and "resupply" signs.
Apr 19, 2009
I really don't like how all the health and ammo are in the little rooms. It makes the player way to open for attack and negates any use the health/ammo would give them and on top of this it breaks the map flow.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
New version released! Lots of changes in this one that improve the feel of the map, especially in the middle area.

Gameplay Changes:
-func_nobuild placed over certain exploitable props.

Layout changes:
-Lowered the height of the upper path on the way to each base (the part with the windows)
-Reworked the lower area of the middle. Now there's more interesting cover, and less awkward open space
-Removed some mini health/ammo rooms, pickups are now closer to the main paths.
-Reworked the far outside path into the bases to be less open.
-Changed one of the rooms in the indoor path to be more interesting, less flat.


Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
I think the upper path needs to still be lowered some more. There's too much of a disconnect between the action above and the action below, and falling off results in a jarring shift in trying to figure out what the new situation is and where the threats are.

Likewise, the fact that there is a single set of stairs (per side) to get up there means that frequent travel between the upper and lower areas doesn't really happen for anyone but soldiers (it's usually not worth it for demos to try it repeatedly). I understand that you want the attackers to have some kind of offensive advantage there to deal with sentry farms and what not, but I think the fact that there was always an engineer building a teleporter exit to the top level of his own base is indicative that game flow wants there to be a more local path up there. Stairs up around the "backside" of that building would make defenders have to choose between shooting at people up top NOW, or taking the time to try to flank, by which time they may have already done their damage and dropped down.

And on the subject of paths up, I think the current large room you have going to the top in the middle rarely sees any action. It's significantly disconnected from the rest of the map. You could probably tighten it up a bit and expose more parts of that path to the middle area.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Overall, the upper levels were powerful against classes that couldn't reach it, but were lacking against soldiers and demomen IMO. Sentry positions were lacking and pretty much forced them to be placed directly on the intel, because that was the only possible location for one to stay up. Try this:

For one, it provides cover for and from sentries on one side. It also makes it less conspicuous for a briefcase to be sitting in some random location. You could even put a desk in there or something. Health placement was pretty good. I recommend putting larger health on the lower areas, though, and smaller healthkits on the upper areas.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Alpha 5 released.

Layout changes:
-Changed the outside path from mid. It's now smaller and has shorter sight lines.
-Added a staircase from the outside path to the upper path above mid.
-Fenced off one of the paths leading to the far outside path (the part with the metal water tank)
-Removed a doorway into the intel room
-Changed the area round the intel to give the defending team more options.



Jul 19, 2009
when i say i dont use the forums, its not personal, i just dont use the forums. if you want me to do layovers or screens though of my suggested changes i will or if you forget them.

otherwise im looking forward to the next version with the layout/gameplay changes.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
when i say i dont use the forums, its not personal, i just dont use the forums. if you want me to do layovers or screens though of my suggested changes i will or if you forget them.

otherwise im looking forward to the next version with the layout/gameplay changes.

I'm not forgetting your suggestions; just bumping to give other people who played the opportunity to post (especially since the thread doesn't appear on the front page).