
CTF Atrophy b4


Oct 25, 2007
and @vilepickle, putting the cap zone where the flag starts would put it right in the middle of the base and not give defenders much of an option or ability to stop the cap once it got past mid. and the layout of the map makes it so you need to find a way to stop cycle capping as well as be able to even defend the cap as just one person.

imo makes for a new dynamic which could work, could fail, thats what testings for ;)

I fully agree a different cap location makes a different/more dynamic gameplay element. The reality is that for general consumption it creates confusion from my past experiences. I guess it's a choice of who you're making the map for.

Considering custom maps don't get played much, I assume it doesn't really matter anyway :p


L2: Junior Member
Nov 15, 2009

We have this up on our server right now because I love the idea. If we can fill it up in the next 60 min we'll keep it up. So if you are out there come join to test the map.


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
Yeah, that'll be fixed for the next version.

Spoiler warning: you will be killed if you try this shit in b4

Ok, there's a problem though. I legitimately trapped my friend in it when we were playing on it by picking up the intel right after he capped it.

I suppose that requires either incredible amounts of luck or great timing, in which case it would be kinda funny.


im birb
Apr 14, 2009
Playing this in pugs is extremely fun. I find it more fun that 5cp IMO

Anyways the map seems really fine, my only complaint


This room seems pointless. It doesn't provide an advantage, and if you go in you'll be spammed from the 2 exits and make yourself trapped


my suggestion. You said it was the "pub room" :v where sentries are placed. I think if you add this path it'll still be a sentry spot, but in pugs players could use this to flank or somethin. And maybe you could move the small hp and ammo in the room.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 5, 2009
Just noticed that I can get up to a place that seems a bit odd, so might just wanna clip it. Anyway if youre meant to get up there, theres a small issue there.



(the top face only renders when jumping)


Feb 26, 2008
Respawntimes are tighter than many maps, but I think it plays to advantage here. Glad you enjoyed!

Westerhound that position has been lowered for b4 as it's overpowered as is so my optimization won't be that visible. Someday I'll show how this map was optimized- it's really quite complicated.


Sep 10, 2008
I played Atrophy for the first time since it's adaptation to CTF.

This map is my new bfff

I've almost declared it "Capture the Fun" Atrophy

The only issue I have is the occasional downtime when both teams hold the others' intel, and camp it outside their spawn rooms. It's an awkward moment that seems to drag it into traditional CTF. I feel that something could be done to keep things rolling, perhaps by increasing spawn times, even if it's just a little more. With spawn waves of 5 seconds, it's as if there is always someone running out the door.


Feb 26, 2008
I think the downtime is the most fun part. You have to assassinate the flag carrier, and the period before that happens is the most like escort we have in any map. Remember, nothing comes free in tf2, and if you can't get up an uber to guard your flag while it returns in 5s, your team doesn't deserve the cap!


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 24, 2008
Hmm yeah I have mixed feelings on this map.

Firstly, I think it could be really fun and the layout seems really decent overall.

But I think there are too many problems, some of which are just personal preferences. The small stuff:

I don't like the Egypt setting, not that you detailed the map poorly or anything, I just don't think it fits with TF2 at all, even when combined with some of the spy-tech/secret base stuff. This is just personal preference.

I don't like the big pool of water in the middle of the map. I think it's unnecessary and very awkward for flow. If you're worried about a safe place where Pyros aren't as strong, you have plenty of health packs everywhere that a player on fire can easily run to one. Other than that, I think it just ruins the lower middle area of the map, it seems awkward to have a big pool of water there. I tended to avoid the water because I felt too vulnerable going through it and there was really no benefit to it, not to mention how my movement changed while wading through it. I would remove it personally, but again this might be personal preference.

The main problem I see with the map is the whole cart system - hell, not even the cart system but the horribly long, drawn-out stale mates that happen when both teams have the flag and just hide behind their spire with sentries and an entire army guarding this easily-defended area. Especially when teammates clump up to guard the flag, as soon as it's dropped it gets picked up again. That whole flag mechanic is clumsy and is counter-productive to the other anti-stalemate mechanic (the cart) you have, and instead seems to completely negate it. The people who played on the server were thoroughly confused why they couldn't cap the flag, and instead just decided to defend instead of going after it, resulting in two very long games of sit on the flag, which could have been a lot more dramatic and dynamic. This isn't really personal opinion, as pretty much everyone on the server expressed roughly the same opinion. I would say this mechanic of capping only if your flag isn't being carried is the weak link in the map.


Feb 26, 2008
If you want a perfect pub map, backpier is very vanilla: but in competitive play expect scores of 12+

This is a map for competitive play; not in the sense of 6v6 but in the sense of competition occurring throughout. I believe it works well in pubs once everyone has the hang of things, but people tend to lower their expectations of teamwork in pubs. Guess what: you need an uber to get the flag back. A single uber is the -bottom line- of my expectations for a team. If you can't manage that you don't deserve to win. Your definition of dynamic is flawed; constant caps are in reality no more interesting than never capping: the value of each cap is lowered to the point of being not worth contention, especially in a pub where the end victory's importance is negligible.

Dynamic in a map is when each class has a role that fluctuates constantly; defense moving up with the cart and then back again as caps happen; defense gathering about the flag carrier to protect them near the capture zone; fast classes used to run in and nab the flag, but heavy classes preferred for penetrating the defense to steal back their own flag.

I've played this map more than anyone, and I know how totally free of tension the situation is without 'flag at home': scouts or demos flying in and out and the game is over with relatively little fight to it.

The water is highly intentional. Prevents cratering at mid and breaks up the circular flow around the base of the bridges without being a literal obstacle. I never map against pyros, don't give a shit for the class either way. As for the egypt theme... well, I tried to make it more TF2-y, but I suppose detailing isn't my strong suit.


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
I never map against pyros, don't give a shit for the class either way.
Haha, just engis then huh?

Actually, I'd say he maps FOR them with the layout of this map. (EDIT: OR at least for me! I love the layout as pyro, man. It's just perfect for pretty much everything I need to do!) The water doesn't hurt it at all. At all. Pyros generally should stick out of that area anyways or spend times in bases or pouncing on people who are near the fenced choke in mid.

Haven't played B4, love when both teams have the intel, as then the real tactics begin. I wish you could incorporate that more in somehow to have more of those moments, but I can't really understand how you would.
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Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
Yeah, that'll be fixed for the next version.

Spoiler warning: you will be killed if you try this shit in b4

This seems like a bad way to fix the flaw.

Why not just disable the capture zone when the flag is out?