Check how many users are in a specific area


L1: Registered
Aug 6, 2009
[Solved]Check how many users are in a specific area

Hi, i have a simple question. Is there any way to check how many users are in a specific area. I found a way that works quite good, but it does not work how i want it.

I have a 5CP map, you can drive from the start 1st CP with a train to 2nd or 3rd cp.
The more users are on the train, the faster it goes.
Okay, i made a trigger_multiple.

Outputs: OnStartTouch -> train_ent -> SetSpeed -> +45
Outputs: OnEndTouch -> train_ent -> SetSpeed -> -45

That should work like: If a player enters the train, it goes faster by 45 units per second, if a player leaves it, it slows down.
But it only gives me the max-speed of the train :/.

->->VMF<-<- (right-click-> save as...[or you will end up seeing what's inside the vmf^^])
(the main-train-part (the train entity is inside the first part of the train ;))
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May 25, 2009
Have a look at the payload entities, they have a watcher to see how many people are on the cart - ABS' pack will provide



L1: Registered
Aug 6, 2009
Oh yes! Thank you so much :) i alway used the output:
SetSpeed (which is just the percantage -> 0.00 - 1.00 and setting it to 90 or 180 would come out as 1.00 :/ (which is the trains max speed))

I just had to use SetSpeedReal instead :) thank you very much