Newish Gamemode / Concept


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 27, 2014
Newish Gamemode / Concept Idea

the project I have talked about through question posts for the past 2 days is now finally completed. it was a long annoying process that at one point stressed the hell out of me, but its done and im extremely happy with how it turned out and you can expect a map (maybe) out soon.

so let me explain how it works its like a cross between control points and ctf and sorta plr? i guess (there's only one stage though)

so the round begins in a setup time (30 secs) behind closed doors near spawn is a bomb (aka intelligence.) at end of setup the gate opens allowing your team to take the bomb to try and attack the enemies base. Each base has 3 separate areas to place the bomb each clearly marked A, B, C and each is deeper into the map and have to be detonated in that order. Detonated points opens up more routes favoring the attackers to proceed and pushes the enemy teams spawn back. To detonate a bomb you have to stand in the capture point area marked with tape (this is where control points comes in.) To keep players from running by and capping like in ctf you have to wait in the area for a few seconds before the bomb actually gets placed after which you want to run because when than thing goes off you dont want to be near it.

so that's basically the whole of it the idea is still early in development but im looking for some early feedback and its not as complicated as it sounds so im hoping i can spit out a map soon the logic is already done so leave your feed back i would highly appreciate it.
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