72hr Contest #3 - Questionnaire/Opinions

What days do you prefer to have the competition on?

  • July 5th - 7th

    Votes: 15 62.5%
  • Julth 6th - 8th

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • June 27-29th (ish)

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Other (Please vote, then comment in thread with date)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010

Alright folks, it's coming to that time of the year again, the time when everyone is asking, "What would you do for a Klondike bar?"

Me? I'd host a 72hr mapping contest again for a Klondike bar. That's what I'd do.

So if you could answer these questions and discuss your thoughts on things, that would be wonderful.

What MONTH is the best one for this contest to occur?
Do you want to restrict it to a certain gamemode (ie, all KoTH or All 5CP)
Would you want to use rules from the previous contest? (seen below)
If not, what rules would you suggest?
Would you be interested in Streaming your work? (If yes, how long per day?)
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?

Previous contest Rules (72hr contest #2)
  • Respect the time limit! You may NOT start making your map in Hammer in ANY way shape or form before it starts. We cannot effectively restrict this, but take this into consideration; This contest is meant to challenge your skills at working effectively and quickly coming up with good solutions. If you cheat, you're only demonstrating your own lousyness to yourself. That doesn't feel good.
  • You MUST have the map done and submitted before the time runs out. This is very important, because there is no "grace period". Done means done.
  • Any physical size and mode is allowed.
  • You cannot use an already-started map or assets from it. However, you can begin sketching out a layout and planning before the contest begins (this is recommended if you want to make a large map). If you have an old vmf lying around that you want to use, you'll have to remake it from scratch.
  • Maps must be able to spawn 32 players (16 per team).
  • Any amount of detail is allowed. However, it's a good idea to concentrate on gameplay and making sure everything works in time for the deadline.
  • No collaborations are allowed!
  • Custom content is allowed, but only if it's made entirely by yourself using your own resources OR it's made by someone else who has already made it available to the public. However, please remember that very large file sizes are unnecessary and very annoying to download, so keep your map small by avoiding too much custom content.
  • You are allowed to use A Boojum Snark's resource library and other such packs and prefabs, such as the lighting library.
  • New this year: You can test with other players. However, there will be no scheduled testing event for these contest maps before it ends.
  • Your submission MUST follow this naming convention: <gamemode>_<nickname>_72 (You don't have to use your full forum name, but make sure it's recognisable as your map. For instance, I would name mine cp_frozen_72). For multiple entries (or if your map last year had the same name), append a number at the end of it (i.e. cp_frozen_72_2).
    Last year we had a lot of maps that did not follow this convention. That won't be tolerated this year.
  • You may submit as many entries as you want, but you'll have to judge for yourself whether this is wise.y.

You can discuss/ask questions here.
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm in.

I'm in for limiting it to a koth or 3cp map, not that i have anything against people attempting tc or payloads, but its only 72 hours...

i'd put the contest a few weeks after the end of the PL contest, to give mappers some breathing space.
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L6: Sharp Member
Aug 15, 2009
I would prefer not having the contest in early june. Because I'm going to Spain! \o/

17th-20th may doesn't work for me either! That's all I had to say!
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&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
I'm a sucker for 72hr events.

What MONTH is the best one for this contest to occur?
Sometime in June or after. Summer and what not.

Do you want to restrict it to a certain gamemode (ie, all KoTH or All 5CP)
Last year was whatever, wasn't it? I can't remember.
I think we should allow people to make whatever they want, this is just for fun after all.

Unless people actually expect to win something.. CTF? KotH is always getting made in these type of events so eh.

Would you want to use rules from the previous contest? (seen below)
They're fine.

Would you be interested in Streaming your work? (If yes, how long per day?)
Yeah, but I don't think anyone feels like watching me work.

What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
Walk to the store and pay for it.
I'm kidding Klondike Bars are low tier.


L4: Comfortable Member
Dec 13, 2011
What MONTH is the best one for this contest to occur?
June works well for me.
Do you want to restrict it to a certain gamemode (ie, all KoTH or All 5CP)
No. I would like it to only be standard-ish gamemodes, though. (But that doesn't rule out 7cp/4-Point A/D).
Would you want to use rules from the previous contest? (seen below)
Rules seem fine.
Would you be interested in Streaming your work? (If yes, how long per day?)
Yes. I do stream myself mapping sometimes. If I'm working on this contest... the entire time I'm mapping I would stream.
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
Pay $3.49.

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
= full tc in 72h make it happen baby
Challenge Accepted.

What MONTH is the best one for this contest to occur?
May might be a bit busy. June or later would be preferable.
Do you want to restrict it to a certain gamemode (ie, all KoTH or All 5CP)
No. That would make me the opposite of aroused.
Would you want to use rules from the previous contest? (seen below)
Having a time limit seems unreasonable for a 72hr contest.
Would you be interested in Streaming your work? (If yes, how long per day?)
I don't think I would stream it, but I would definitely record it and then upload it.
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
I would ransack a Congolese orphanage for pennies and then pay a homeless meth addict to rob a store and bring me all of the klondike bars in stock.


Jul 31, 2009
I would love it being in June sometime, mid-year break and all. I don't think you need to restrict it to a certain game mode. The previous rules are fine.

I would also love to stream my work, if anyone wanted to watch it. Happily for the entire time I worked, which would hopefully be most of the day.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
It seems a bit silly calling these 72 hour contests as unofficial, especially if they are regular occurances and administrated by our admins. In what regards is it unofficial? I only ask because i don't see any reason why it couldn't be.

P.S. is there actually a klondite bar for a prize?

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
It seems a bit silly calling these 72 hour contests as unofficial, especially if they are regular occurances and administrated by our admins. In what regards is it unofficial? I only ask because i don't see any reason why it couldn't be.

P.S. is there actually a klondite bar for a prize?

I think its unofficial because it is more/less kind of "jokish" contest, and really good quality maps don't come out of it.

Yes. Whoever takes first place, I will mail them ice cream money, whatever the price a klondike bar (or local equivilent) is. (unless it costs 30 dollars to send 3 bucks international. Not sure how it works)


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
and really good quality maps don't come out of it.

Well I wouldn't say that. For 72 hours there's some really great things that are made. Fully textured, lit, and working.

I kinda see where Grazr is coming from. Just because 72hr contests don't feel as huge as the 'official' ones, like the Dynamic Payload, that doesn't make it unofficial. :p

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I mean, I don't see why we couldn't count it as an official contest

And with that, the mappers medal would be a suitable prize.

@Fubar, yea, I was hoping that maybe there would be a way to hook all the live streams up onto one page so people can watch them as they wish. And yea, when an official date is set up, I'll post a thing about it in all the major news channels.

How do we want to do voting? Something like last years?

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Official is not equal to major. We've had minor and major contests since we began, and the little ones were always known to be for the fun more than prizes.


L6: Sharp Member
Mar 6, 2011
What MONTH is the best one for this contest to occur?
Do you want to restrict it to a certain gamemode (ie, all KoTH or All 5CP)
Nah, let the people choose their own destiny
Would you want to use rules from the previous contest? (seen below)
The rules are good
Would you be interested in Streaming your work? (If yes, how long per day?)
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
What the hell is a Klondike Bar?