Ukiyo a9
On hold
A map that takes place in a japanese restaurant also a collab between asenji and i
@Freyja for the japan content pack Alot and the sulfur content
@rexy for the forklift model and dog bread props
@timberghost_paintball for making the precipe prop pack
The contributors of the bulletcrops pack
@DioJoestar for the conveyer belt texture
@xi cynx for his freyja sushi poster
@Bakscratch for the watergate pack
@Ravidge for his danger sign pack
@NickTF for his awsome poster's
@Freyja for the japan content pack Alot and the sulfur content
@rexy for the forklift model and dog bread props
@timberghost_paintball for making the precipe prop pack
The contributors of the bulletcrops pack
@DioJoestar for the conveyer belt texture
@xi cynx for his freyja sushi poster
@Bakscratch for the watergate pack
@Ravidge for his danger sign pack
@NickTF for his awsome poster's