Trash Valley

Trash Valley A9

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Trash Valley A9

my home town

Single-stage A/D map (Gorge style). To be set in a rubbish dump In The Future


(night comes later)
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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Latest updates

  1. A9

    A9 - Disabled red forward spawn as it was too close and unnecessary. - Clipped window on A roof one way door room - Enclosed window beside A - Adjusted the flank route on the side of A to be more advantageous
  2. A8

    A8 - Red has a forward spawn in the A/B connector building. Doors block going backwards unless you really want to - Removed walls around B point. Changed rock model beside it too a less intrusive one. Red now has a ladder leading on to the roof...
  3. A7

    A7 - Redesigned B capture point area to be more enclosed - Reduced pickups on questionable sentry spot at B - Adjusted bridge exit from RED spawn - Adjusted choke building between A & B