Tiny Rock (the old one)

Tiny Rock (the old one) a8

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  1. arenaplr_tinyrock_a8

    * Made middle hut shorter to nerf height advantage * Replaced wood fences near the mid hut with larger, thicker rocks to break up sightlines and shrink excess playerspace * Moved spawns forward a little bit and closed off the deathpit next to it...
  2. arenaplr_tinyrock_a7

    * Fixed setup respawns * Experimentally added auto-kill spawns that activate when the round starts, to stop players spawning after round start * Added ramps leading up to the roof at mid
  3. arenaplr_tinyrock_a6

    * Changed the map prefix to arenaplr_ so the server doesn't prevent team scrambles * Cut the track length by half and moved the spawns to accommodate * Reverted cart max speed to default (90) * Added another way up to the upper middle bridge *...