The Devbucket Collection

The Devbucket Collection V1B

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The Devbucket Collection V1B

A collection of colorful dev textures

A small collection of custom dev textures. Includes three variant of TF2 styled solid red, orange, green, cyan, indigo and purple textures.

Also features four brown and grey textures with one variant each, meant to supplement red and blue respectively.

Tagged as: TF, Dev, Beefbucket

Installation: Extract the 'Materials' folder to Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf. Done!
Beef Bucket
First release
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  1. File Reupload

    I fucked up again and accidentally deleted the file share link while transferring my Google Drive to a new iCloud drive. I also lost my journal from five years ago in the move, which I'm pretty sad about, but it was bound to happen eventually...

Latest reviews

Very smooth dev textures, perfect for jump maps!
Since the only other flat color textures are pretty specific (basically dustbowl colors), it's really nice to have extra textures!