Sunlit Valley

Sunlit Valley A11

  • A actually made all the changes a month or two before, and then decided today to finally pack it and post an update for it... uh, so I forgot what changes I made with it...
  • Made a platform over the water next to point A
  • changed the name of the map to "sunlit valley"
  • that's all I remember
  • Made changes to point B
  • Added a safety cover on the upper route to point B
  • changed the ground under the water at point A so its a displacement
  • Changed the route from point A to point B (the one with the one way door) so its entrance is in the cave between A and B
  • Added more rock props around point A
  • Changed the environment lighting so its a little brighter
  • Changed the right route at point B so its a smooth path instead of you having to jump across it
  • Changed the bamboo props collision so they aren't as annoying when you walk into them
I honestly made this update in the last 45 minutes right now... so that's why its such a small update. I'll do a bigger update later and have people playtest that one, not this one though since its not that big...
uh, yea that's it for now.
My computer decided not to upload the Bsp file last time.
Whoops, I put the vmf file in instead of the Bsp file. sorry.
Did some stuff only to the first area:
  • Pushed Blu base back
  • removed or changed some bamboo props to walls
  • added a little bridge over the water
  • changed the Blu base doors so you can see through them
  • extended the cave area between area A and B
    (Above Pic: The new area-A. The bottom Pic: The cave between area A and B.)
  • Made Blu spawn smaller so red has more room to defend
  • made the passage between the first and second area smaller
  • Added a new passage between the first and second area
  • Made the water at first deeper
  • Made the water at second so that the part below the bridge does not kill but the water on the side of the cliff has been pushed down and does kill
  • Changed some medium health kits and last to smaller ones
  • Added more cover around the map
  • Added more lights around the map
  • Packed the map right
  • Changed the skybox (temporarily) due to an error that I was to lazy to fix (the lighting has not changed)
  • some other stuff that I forgot about
  • detailed red's base a bit
  • added some props to block a sightline
  • something else I can't remember
  • added more lights
  • made the water area around last a bit bigger
Also, my last message wasn't what I wanted to say. I want to have an imp with this map but I need to know if I packed the map right so I want someone to download it and make sure they aren't greeted with Error sign's everywhere. Sorry that I didn't clarify what I wanted to say.