
Snowy a4

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Snowy a4

Blu attempts to take over a warehouse built by red next to a cliff

Idk why red would build a warehouse so close to a cliff but they did.
Captain Cactus
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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Latest updates

  1. a4

    Changed red's spawn again, you can no longer get sniped from choke right out of spawn or spam onto the point without leaving spawn. Added a rock and slight height variation on first. Blocked another sightline on first.
  2. a3

    Removed a couple long sightlines. Moved red's spawn away from last. Added a forward spawn for blu inside the first warehouse. Added spectator cameras. Added clip brushes to the roof after first. Added a nobuild brush inside the one way door...
  3. a2

    Gave the area outside of blu's spawn some shape. Added an extra ammo pickup in the first building. Added patches underneath pickups which lacked them. Sped up cap time on last.