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SIEGE_Crystalline a17

Cap the point and push the Payload in this snowy siege map

Cap the point and push the Payload in this snowy (eventually) siege map.

A game mode mimicking the same mode from Paladins. I loved the game so much, I thought i'd make a map out of it.

Built up from a prefab made by Construction Zombie, because otherwise i'd be there forever working out how siege works... that and i'm not a TF2 mapper really.

Stuff to do!:
  1. Art Pass (Duh!)
  2. Embedding assets
  3. adding more walls, buildings and trees.
  4. Optimisation.
Dribbleondo - Au Yeah
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Packed files and other stuff

    Packed custom assets into the map (which should hopefully include the supporters/ donations poster) Made the bases have an actual texture Added crystals and trees.
  2. Lighting fix

    added lights to the new corridoors
  3. Displacements and Map Layout tweaks

    Added a Cafe on either sides of the teams map. Gonna work on displacements for the payload tracks.