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Siege Downwards a3

Small Upward ripoff, but it's siege gamemode!

Small siege map. My second 72hr Jam entry.
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  1. Roses are red, Violets are blue. I'm bad at naming, 352.

    changed capture point system to capture the point you have to get 100 points a player gets one point each 0.6s, by standing on point added one way door, that gets unlocked when enemy team captures the point added additional entrence to the...
  2. That one time, when playing with bots gave me some informations.

    - fixed trigger_hurt, not working in some spots - cliped unsolid fences
  3. Woobi, doobi, boom!

    - added siege rules signs in spawn rooms and near the middle - tweaked some pickups - added more cover around mid area - removed ramp on end point and replaced it with a platform - lowered the number of points per player (example: if there's one...