Pulling Teeth

Pulling Teeth A4c

After playing a couple of rounds with bots, I must say this map embodies the essence of Team Fortress 2. Teamwork, strategy, and—the most important detail—fun. While I was skeptical of the medium health kit placement in the "pits under the cp, I found myself frequently using them and still dying. Plenty of areas to coordinate different points of attack from enables lots of strategy when playing this map. Once one team finally gains the control point—a process in of itself requiring hard work—new strategies have to be drawn up on the spot on how to maintain with sentries and a forward assault onto the opposing side.

From looking back, trying to be the first one to cap the control point took a lot of time to accomplish, seemingly draining the experience. Yet as I constantly died trying to cap, each death seemed to only enhance my drive for the center point and coordinating assaults (despite not being able to do so with bots).

This map is well worth everyone's time and I highly recommend the map maker to continue work on this, fine-tuning things as they see fit, and make this a map worthy of the main game.