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Platform Alpha 1a

Added a small health pack near last
Made the round timer more sane
Fixed a misaligned respawn room visualizer texture
This isn't multi-stage anymore.
not much changed
water is nobuild
and the healthpacks have been modified
Made the water flank hopefully not shit
Lowered the height of that building
Removed the "stepping stones" under the bridge because they behaved suckily
That's all I did.
Moved around some setup gates
Spiced up B
Fixed new doors opening after setup ends instead of after A is capped
Removed one of the new doors, and made the remaining door open during setup and close after setup
fixed visual awfulness with new route
Added a new route to B
Fixed BLU spawn gates having gaps that could be shot through
Added health and ammo to side building on left of bridge from BLU spawn
Added a door that opens when A is captured, and moved some other doors around on the walls they occupied