
pl_eruption B14

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pl_eruption B14

What I thought the Valve map for jungle Inferno would look like

Eruption is set on a tropical island far away in the ocean. The map features a unique design for every point and it was even featured in competitive Highlander games!

RED has been doing research on how to weaponize magma on Fuego Sagrado Island. What do they plan to use it for? Whatever it is, it's not looking good! Thanks to strange seismic activity, BLU has discovered that RED's main facility lies inside El Volcán de la Muerte and have planned a mission to stop RED at all costs. RED was alerted by their hidden surveillance cameras and initiated their defense plan. Will BLU be able to stop RED in their tracks once and for all?

Special thanks to:
  • Jeddyk for making props and helping me with the detailing.
  • RadarHead for making custom lava textures for the map.

Custom content:
(And props made by Jeddyk)
First release
Last update

Resource team

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Latest updates

  1. I tried to retire, Comp players and Hoppkins didn't let me

    In this update: Overall: ➤ Remade the entire skybox so now it's more detailed and well-made ➤Fixed prop fades Point A: ➤ When Blu Cap A, now their spawn moves further into their first spawnroom similar to upward's. ➤Upgraded right side's medium...
  2. Last update for a while..

    In this update: ➤New eruption particles were made by Suna when Blu win. ➤Improved clipping ➤Improved performance ➤Improved lighting. The map has more shadows now and the lighting is less bright. ➤Improved soundscapes. Now you can hear stuff...
  3. Clipping update!

    In this update: ➤Improved the clipping in the map ➤Improved fps/optimization around the map ➤Fixed any bugs and issues ➤Made the skybox prettier and added more clouds to support the tropical island theme. ➤Fixed many props popping in and out...

Latest reviews

The environments, soundscapes, theme and gameplay melt together to make a really fun experience. It can only get better from here