+added prop jump from the lower part of Last to the upper part of Last
-removed force respawn for RED after C is capped
-removed cacti in gameplay space

|clipping fixes
|minor visual enhancements
|changed the angle of the sun
|minor visual enchancements
|made some displacements easier to jump up onto


+added more slightline blockers
+added a slightly modified skybox texture
+added a delay mechanic, stops cart for 10 seconds for RED to regain control over the area

|changed a displacement ramp into a wooden ramp
|minor texture fixes
|minor visual enhancements
|fixed unintended perch points
+added a force respawn after C is capped, in hopes that it'll allow RED to better retake control of Last area so that it doesn't roll
+added blockbullets to the cart props to prevent demos from hiding stickies in them

|various visual fixes
|various clipping fixes
|fixed misaligned brush
|minor visual fixes
+added small ammo box by Cap A that should've been there
|fixed a lot of floating props
|fixed minor visual errors
+added new prop for the U-Turn (Thanks @Yoshark )

-removed the gremlin sentry spot on last
-removed more of the sniper perch on last
-removed force respawn for RED after B is capped

|fixed some visual errors
|adjusted pickups
|fixed a misaligned brush
|adjusted areaportal window fades at last
|fixed a sightline into one of the spawn points at BLU spawn

+added more signage
After taking an art class, and nerfing my ego

|fixed issue where the respawn times would not be properly set after the first round, map should now be much more enjoyable
|fixed clipping issue on a set of stairs in the mid building
|made the scrunkly route ever so slightly bigger
|made the hut by last slighting taller
|increased spawntimes by 2 seconds

-removed a bit of the sniper perch to consolidate sniper positions in more obvious places

+added a forcerespawn for RED after B is capped, hopefully the cave area will receive a bit more gameplay
|minor adjustments made to the hoodoos on top of the pancake rock to nerf some crack sniper sightlines
|minor visual enhancements
|fixed clipping in the cave by B to help avoid situations where players could get stuck if they rode on top of the cart