Pervade - Stage 1

Pervade - Stage 1 a4

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Pervade - Stage 1 a4

Urban attack defend where the Layout changed 5 times for the past 8 months!

First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

More downloads from ABpriceHI45

Latest updates

  1. Alpha 4 - a4

    Needed Retest, Forgot the changes i've made...aghk - it's noon again - added a 3d skybox
  2. Alpha 3 - (new)Alpha a3

    - Added a forward spawn for BLU - Added some stuff on A (i think) - Changed some fence covers or smthing - Changed the middle area - Changed the respawn wave after capturing point a - Removed some pickups - and stuff i forgot
  3. Alpha 2 - (new)Alpha a2

    - Added some doors to prevent blu sneaking behind - Added a health pickup in that balcony in middle of the map - Adjusted the Respawn waves (only when blu captures A) - Adjusted the lighting - Changed some stuff in CP A and B area - Changed some...