- Added some missing cubemaps
- Reduced initial timer length to 4 minutes
- Reduced bonus time for capturing C
- Tweaked spawn times for RED at D
- Improved RED access to the high ground balcony at D
- Removed herobrine
- Added another alternate route to the high ground courtyard near B
- Improved visibility onto RED's defensive platform near B
- The shortcut door into the cave once again stays closed until the elevator reaches the bottom
- Redesigned C and D (again)
- Removed herobrine
- Removed a resupply from BLU's first spawn that let players spam out of a doorway endlessly
- Adjusted pickups
- Reduced the cart speed slightly between A and B
- Redesigned some areas around B
- BLU's spawn now only moves forward after the cart has reached the bottom of the elevator
- Redesigned part of C and added a defensive balcony
- Adjusted spawn times
- Removed herobrine
- Fixed the roll forward zone near B so the cart doesn't roll back up it again
- Tweaked pickups at B to spread ammo out a bit more
- Reworked parts of C to reduce combat distances and improve flow
- Reintroduced a dropdown from BLU's side before C to prevent RED from pushing back towards their spawn
- Miscellaneous minor fixes
- Removed herobrine
- Adjusted spawn times
- Adjusted pickups
- Added an easier rotation route to the bridge near B and a window overlooking the courtyard
- Removed an obnoxious rock perch near B
- Removed herobrine
- Fixed players being able to perch on a roof near A
- Made the bridge entrance near B safer
- Added a small cubby between A and B
- Added a roll forward zone just after the "hump" near B
- Fixed a rock perch near B
- Increased RED's spawn time slightly at B
- Moved the entrance to the hill building to be in BLU's favor
- Added a small fence near the cliff at C
- Reworked part of D to make it harder for RED to drop down into the cart path and cut off BLU's advances
- Removed herobrine
- Adjusted pickups
- After A is capped, there is now a door that closes, turning one route into a one-way in BLU's favor (to prevent RED from flanking them too easily)
- Removed herobrine
- Adjusted spawn times across the board
- Adjusted pickups
- Reduced ammo quantity in the window cubby near A
- Added a rollback zone and increased cover near B
- The cart speed is now slightly lower between A and B to effectively increase the length of the track by 25%
- Slowed down the elevator
- Removed herobrine
Because much of the redesigned layout was pretty... uninspired (bad), I have pulled a Dr. Frankenstein and grafted on some parts of the older (A19) layout with a few tweaks to facilitate the transition.

- A has been replaced with the old A
- A new shortcut has been added to make the walk from A to B easier
- The cave has been adjusted to make the flank route more desireable
- Point D has been brought back from A19, but lowered a bit relative to the cave to avoid giving RED high ground advantage when pushing out into the flanks
- Removed herobrine
- Reworked some of A's layout
- Adjusted respawn timers
- Increased the speed of the cave elevator
- BLU now gets an extra minute after capturing B
- Adjusted pickups
- Fixed a missing kill trigger near a cliff edge
- Fixed a few dark spots
- Removed herobrine