- Adjusted bonus time and spawn times for each point
- Adjusted pickups
- Made BLU's first spawn brighter
- The shortcut door near the entrance of the cave now starts open, closes shortly after B is capped, and reopens again after the cart descends the elevator
- Added a new route into D with an elevated window
- Removed herobrine
- Completely redesigned the entire layout from scratch

- Removed herobrine
- Tweaked the first courtyard:
- BLU spawn has been moved forward a bit
- Fixed snipers being able to shoot players' feet in spawn
- The right route is now on high ground
- The choke has been narrowed to reduce sightlines
- Raised fences on the left to reduce sightlines

- Tweaked the area near A:
- RED's defensive platforms are now less cramped
- Fixed some weird crack sightlines
- The bridge has been removed. Instead, the track goes up a slope to some flat high ground. This should make defending easier and also make the next turn less of a meat grinder when BLU is trying to overtake it.
- The low ground flank has also been removed since it was only ever used by RED get behind BLU.

- There is now a large stone roof over one of RED's defensive spots near C
- The doorway into that spot has been widened slightly

- Reworked C a bit to give RED more defensive options:
- The overhang window room has been changed into an open platform accessible to RED
- The door that opens after the turntable has been shifted off to one side to counteract the giant sightline that would otherwise be created when it opens
- Changed a small health pack at C to medium

- Removed herobrine
- Reverted the starting timer change from a17

- OBLITERATED the truck spot once and for all. Good riddance.

- Fixed a crack sightline near A

- Revoked herobrine's driver's license
- BLU now gets 4:30 to capture A instead of 5 minutes

- Fixed an odd sightline at B

- Added a small fence prop on RED's platform at C to help engineers build without being outranged

- Added a sign to indicate the dropdown in the control room

- Fixed players being able to reach an out-of-bounds deathpit spot without dying

- Added more clipping

- Fixed some bad lighting

- Removed herobrine
- Fixed some awkward clipping and maneuverability issues near C

- Tweaked spawn times at C and D

- Fixed herobrine clipping into the floor
- Fixed a clipping issue letting players onto a roof near A

- BLU now gets their final forward spawn after the turntable has finished rotating

- Adjusted spawn times

- Adjusted pickups

- Removed herobrine
Yeah, I dunno.

- Simplified the inner corner building at B
- RED now gets a reduced respawn wave time after the turntable has fully rotated
- Tweaked routing into D and added another door that closes after C is capped
- Adjusted pickups

- Removed herobrine
Point D of this map has always been a bit rough, so in this version, I have torn out much of the old junk and reworked the whole area. Since C was nearby (directly adjacent, even), I decided to kill two birds with one stone.

- Significantly redesigned C and especially D:

- C now has a less severe height disparity and is far less cramped.
- RED now has a much larger and less horrendous-looking platform to defend from
- BLU now gets access to a new raised platform on their side after the turntable has moved into place
- The point has been pushed up and back a bit

- D is now also much more open and less awkward to navigate through, especially for RED
- The cart path now takes a longer, curved route underneath the control room, comes up into the loading zone (near the deathpit), and then makes its way back towards the finale
- Removed the truck dropdown and replaced it with a ramp
- The elevated walkway next to where the control room windows were is now directly accessible to BLU as an attack route

- Miscellaneous minor tweaks and fixes

- Removed herobrine
After quite a few tests of the previous version, it would appear that the main problem areas are around points B and D.
In this version, I have introduced some experimental changes in the hope of fixing some of the issues with the former.

- Reworked the transition building between A and B
- Added an underground tunnel shortcut to make the flank route easier to access. It extends between the aforementioned building and the one across the cart path
- BLU's respawn time is no longer increased after capturing B

- Relocated the dropdown in the control room at D

- Increased RED's respawn time at D

- Now the truck can get there
- Made the mountain a bit more mountain-y

- Miscellaneous minor tweaks and fixes

- Removed herobrine